MovieChat Forums > Night Patrol (1984) Discussion > If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! T...

If You Were A Fan Of USA UP ALL NIGHT! Then We Need Your Help! Please!!!

I thought that I would let everyone know about this petition to bring back USA UP ALL NIGHT on the weekends again on USA Network! We need your help to get this great show back on the weekends again! When I found this petition there was only 45 signatures and when I signed it became #46 signatures. This was just August of this year.

Right now we are so close to hitting 800 signatures. Right now we have a count of 798 signatures. We are almost hitting our first 1000 signatures on the petition. My goal is to get this petition with so many signatures so that the CEO of USA Network will have to consider in putting this back on again on the weekends.

It was great to see Rhonda Shear hosting on Friday nights and Gilbert Gottfried on Saturday nights! So if you were a fan of B movies, cult classics, horror movies, and a few mainstream then please help out and sign the petition! Let your family and friends know about this petition as well!

Thanks again!

