No Fraggles at the wedding?

The Sesame Street Muppets were in attendence for the wedding. I'm surprised they didn't have the Fraggles. I suppose King Ploobis must of never got his invitation either. It must of gotton lost while on it's way to the Land of the Gorch. Perhaps Scred had something to do with it. I'm sure only the Mighty Pavog knows the real answers...


If you look closely Uncle Travelling Matt is there. Which makes sense since he is the only that ever goes into outer space :-)


Fraggle Rock had just started production at the time they filmed MTM so they weren't as known yet. Although there is one of those characters that is in there, according to the trivia section. As to King Ploobis (SNL character), maybe Henson decided to just stick with certain Muppets-yes, he put the Sesame Street gang in there, but only a few talk.
