MovieChat Forums > Missing in Action (1984) Discussion > LIBERAL MEDIA MYTHS EXPOSED:USA LOST VIE...


Any historian today with any mark of respectability should recognize the liberal myth, presented by the media, that the USA lost the Vietnam War to the North Vienamese forces is, in fact, a myth.. Never happned. As point of fact, the american forces were extraordinarlily effective against the NVA and their Viet Cong militia force.The US did not lose a single major military engagement. When the US contingent left
Vietnam in 1973 the South Vietnamese government was in control of their territory. This same government was terribly corrupt and inefficient, pursueding US President Richard Nixon to abandon further military support. The fall of Saigon was entirely due to the same failures of the South Vietnamese government. If there was any real "loss" for the USA it was in choosing an ally who betrayed their confidence.
So, high school and college sutdents,if the question concerning "wars which american forces lost" is presented in class the correct answer is ZERO.
The other 2 wars often argued as possible "losses" by the USA are The War of 1812( a military stalemate and a political failure for Great Britain) and The Korean Conflict( the city of Seoul was the primary objective and the nation of North Korea in present day stands as a glaring failure to any who believe it was a communist "victory")


like you say, it's a myth.

similary the same faction of revisionist historians like to say that the South Africans were defeated by the FAPLA/Cuban Soviet forces In the Angolan conflict especially as regards the battle of Cuito Canavale. This is patently absurd and totally untrue.


OP is right in a sense. It was a Pyrrhic victory.


Korea was once cited as a dress rehearsal for Vietnam, once upon a time when South Korea was run as a right wing civilian dictatorship at best, and under military rule at worst. But that argument isn't given much anymore because South Korea is now a democracy, and it's now fairly obvious to anyone but a Communist that South Korea is better off for our intervention.


I think history is being repeated in Iraq. Just as Jimmy Carter stood by while the North Vietnamese eventually conquered the south, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is doing nothing to stop the ISIS takeover of Iraq. The US military defeated Saddam Hussein and the Al-Qaeda terrorists there and withdrew. We didn't lose Iraq either. Obozo has the ability to provide serious military support against ISIS without putting US soldiers on the ground. He can approve the carpet bombing of the ISIS positions and slaughter the enemy from the air but he refuses to do so.

As Obozo says in his own book Dreams of My Father "I will stand with the Muslims".


I will kick you in the face with my fist.
