Continuity ??????????????

I am confused.
This film is the second-or third "Little House" TV Movie [spin-off] Sequels aired.

But it was recorded before the "Farewell Episode" where the entire town, and set were blown up. But it was aired afterwards, in December 1984, while the "Farewel..." Episode aired in April [easter]1984.

SO, does this movie/story really take place after the events of the "Farewell ..." episode or before?

Is it really a Sequel, spin-off?


It was the second one filmed and the third one aired, as you said. It is not meant to take place after "The Last Farewell". NBC showed them out of order because the networks's ratings were bad during the 83-84 season and NBC was hoping for a big bang (sorry, couldn't resist) in the ratings, so they moved "Last Farewell" up to air earlier.
