Talking out loud exposition

I just started watching this film for the first time and got immediately turned off by her incessant talking out loud about everything she sees and blatant exposition. Before continuing to watch, I'd like to know if this is constant throughout the whole film.

(example: "What's that?", "My heart's pounding, what's going on?", "Gunshots? What's going on, the insects must be attacking", "There they are, look at that cloud of spores", "Whoever it's chasing will never escape that way", etc)



You only get that at the beginning of the film, but you're right, it was annoying. However, the rest of the film is worth watching.


Ok thanks I'll give it another try at some point.


I think it's just so they can tell a story with one character. Sure you can do it without dialogue but considering how early into his career this was, miyazaki probably hadn't figured it out yet


It is a little awkward, but honestly, I didn't think it was that big a deal.
