Phantom Menace
Anybody else think that George Lucas was inspired by this for some things in the Phantom Menace? I thought that the Tolmekian airplanes looked similar to the droid landing ships, particularly the one that crashes at the start. The double-wing feature is fairly distinct. I also thought the creature that goes after Nausicaa and Asbel when they're crashing the glider in the Sea of Decay was similar to one of the sea creatures in the planet core of Naboo. Even the way the travel along its back was similar. I'm thinking specifically of the colo claw fish ( looking similar to this insect:×1040+x264+FLAC(JP,CH1,CH2,EN,FR,DE,KO)+Sub(GB,BIG5,JP,EN,FR,KO,SP,FI,RO)%5D_2012-08-24+7.12.44+PM.png