'whatever lucky man becomes my husband shall see far worse than that.'
[her metal arm]
Bone, it is what it is.
[her metal arm]
Bone, it is what it is.
Hey, gotta let a man know what he's getting himself into it ;)
When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...
Something tells me she never married.
shareWell, her body guard did show signs of developing feelings from her. He said something along the lines of "Perhaps it's the light, but she's starting to look rather attractive."
shareKushana is only bestowed with prosthetic limbs in the anime film. In the manga, she is a completely organic human.
shareWhen we see her "flee" her captivity she only has 1 normal arm free, rest is covered in metal. Soo Maybe 2 legs and 1 arm is missing ? :o
shareIf the man in question who marries her is still lucky, then I assume sex with her still possible, even if her legs are gone. I do wish we would have seen just how much of her body is prosthetic, though.
shareI think she refered to her personality. Like her body, her personality was ruined by hatred.
Lovers of the world, unite!
But doesn't feel her personality is ruined. She's definitely talking about her body. Odds are she's even more scarred up under her armor.
Let's be bad guys.
It doesn't state it outright in the anime but in the manga the Torumekian royal family is a bunch of backstabbing, power-hungry *beep* who had constantly been trying to get Kushana(and other more "decent" family members) killed off by sending them off to war and other equally devious means. Also, iirc, in the manga, a lot of the royal family were bioengineered which gave them certain powers and abilities(such as being psychics or having nigh immortality). Again, iirc, for example, when they meet the King(or maybe it was one of Kushana's brothers instead), he's not human but a kind of mold/spore that has taken on the approximate outward appearance of a human or, for reference, he's more akin to the Thing in "The Thing" but with all the autonomy of an individual human.
Take that with a grain of salt though because I haven't read the manga in awhile but I think I got most of the main details right.
Then again, the anime(as it was based on the then unfinished manga of the same name) doesn't mention that the entire Toxic Jungle(all the plant and insect life) was actually genetically engineered by the same civilization that had originally caused the 7 Days of Fire(in a misguided attempt to atone for what they'd done to the Earth). The Jungle was made to absorb all the toxic waste in the environment and make the Earth clean again. The whole gist of the story is questioning whether humans are worthy of living in this cleansed world or not; not only on a moral/ethical level but also on a physical level as normal humans had already started adapting to the poisoned world and a clean world would be as toxic to them as a toxic world would be to a clean human.
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see