1) He was almost 16 and it was the early 80's. Parents let their kids roam around on their own more.
2) There are many towns that have rich areas and poor areas, and kids end up at the same high school. It was a public high school.
3) Yes he does, and that is a contributor (but not lone cause) of many of his problems. Miyagi helps learn how to control it.
4) Considering they were about to seriously injure possibly even kill Daniel, I think we can forgive it.
5) This was the 80's and Gen X. Helicopter parents wouldn't be around for another 10-12 years.
6) Sure.
7) Yeah. Cobra Kai is guilty of this as well, but they at least do it with a wink at the audience.
8) At times yes. Not entirely his fault that he was bullied so badly, but he does make several bad choices. Continuing the fight with Johnny at the beach including a sucker punch, retaliating at soccer tryouts, and messing with Johnny in the bathroom during the Halloween party.
9) That's pretty clear in the movie. The scene at Daniels birthday shows how much their friendship really means to him. Especially after we learn about the tragedy of his life. Helping Daniel win and grow as a person helped fill a great hole that was always in his life.