Don't apples increase your hunger?

When Willie is starving after having refused to eat at the Indian dinner, she is given fruit by Indy. Wouldn't this really make you more hungry after a short while?


They do, but if you're already really really hungry, apples don't make you really really really hungry, at least not in people with no glycemic issues anyway.

IOW, it's better than nothing.


Yeah it's better than the chilled monkey brains.


Or eyeball soup, or stuffed spider, or snake surprise, or...


The beetles I can stomach. All that other shit made me want to smack the host and just scream "WTF were you thinking giving us this shit?! What's for dessert stuffed menstrual twats?!"


Right - beetles.. Still gonna pass on them and your desert suggestion.. LOL


Yes it does. I'm always hungry after eating an apple. lol
