It still p!sses me off this was a prequel. There's no reason for it, and it ruins Indy's arc in Raiders.
I've heard all kinds of theories that don't add up.
Didn't want to use Nazi's again? Well, it only takes place in Shanghai and India, why would that be a problem if was after Raiders?
Lucas and Spielberg thought people would be confused why he wasn't with Marion? No, people break up and move on. What's even more confusing and makes no sense is making a prequel where Indy witnesses an heart removal, is possessed and sees the stones glow, even though in Raiders he told Marcus he doesn't believe in black magic, superstition etc.
They wanted Indy to be someone out for his own personal fortune? Fair enough but it still contradicts Indy's arc in Raiders.
Why not just make it a sequel, Indy's become disillusioned with what he does and lost trust in people after the government took the Ark away at the end of the first movie, and now he's out for himself. A bit of dialogue to Willie where it makes that clear solves that problem and doesn't contradict Raiders. Baffling.