Best line of the movie

It's been nearly 30 years since I saw this film and yet I've never been able to get out of my head Sylvia's response to Harkin's innocent question, "What happens next?"...

"First, we take off our clothes. Then we *beep* our brains out."

I seriously doubt I was the only guy who spent the rest of the movie biting his knuckles raw.

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers! But if you could show us something in a nice possum...


Sunny side up sunny side down, sunny side all around


Yep, the Sunny comments were classic, and receive my vote for best quote of the film. However, the Asian dude's quote, "What the f@#k is the Chinese Downhill?" was hilarious as well.

Religion..... it is the opiate of the people - Karl Marx


Sunny side up sunny side down, sunny side all around.

Yeah, that's the only other line that stuck in my head. 😀

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers! But if you could show us something in a nice possum…


Just before the "Sunny side up" line. Garmish asks Harkin if he knows what he had for breakfast and without hesitation or cynicism Harkin says, "Wheaties". I always thought that was hilarious.


After seeing this movie again. I though sunny had some great lines.

She yells hey Adolf.....

What are you a switch hitter?


Hey, Rudy, you can kiss my ass. Not on zis side and not on zat side, but right in zee meedle!


"Chinese downhill"
