Was anybody else disappointed with Gozer's appearance?
I don't know how to properly explain it other than I was always more intrigued by the original idea of having somebody like Paul Reubens (AKA Pee-Wee Herman) appear as Gozer. Basically, Gozer would've been a meek and unassuming looking entity, who was secretly very powerful.
This video argues that Vigo from Ghostbusters II was a better antagonist than Gozer:
He basically said that Gozer in the finished product looked like a stereotypically 1980s theater dancer. With Gozer, they should've either gone with a much weirder or darker route instead of what they ultimately went with.
Gozer to me I suppose, also just looks too much of a cliched demonic creature with the blood red eyes, the lightening from the fingertips a la Emperor Palaptine in Return of the Jedi, and the deep, monstrous voice (a la Linda Blair when she's possessed in The Exorcist).