Read both books; believe he's guilty.
One thing after reading both books that convinced me that he killed his family was the blood pattern map of their apartment. The baby's blood was only in two spots: her room and on his glasses which he flung in the living room. He was probably wearing his glasses when he killed her and her blood spatter ended up on his glasses.
Something else that always unnerved me about the case was the blond synthetic hairs found in the house. I often wondered if the investigators ever inventoried the girl's toys. Many little girls' dolls at that time were life sized and many had long blonde hair. I read both books hoping to see if that was done. In the first book he mentions how MP's botched up the crime scene and neither book mentions whether they analyzed the blonde hairs they found with any of the girls' toys. It's something I could see detectives from that time overlooking.
"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"