Haha, cool! :oD - I wish I had the poster too, they both look pretty cool, although the poster from EX2 was more artsy-fartsy, just imagine, somebody took the time off to make a cool painting of the exterminator with X popping up in the background too!
Favorite Scenes:
The beginning sequence, where some punks kill an old couple in a conveniance store, and seconds later they get torched by the exterminator waiting in the alley behind the store (of course he's too late to actually save anybody, but vengeance is always his).
And the scene where Eastland and Bee Gee puts the punk in their garbage-truck and drives around with him while getting shot at.
The dumb punk goes back to X of course, only to get severely punished for revealing their hideout.
I also liked the scene where Arye Gross (Turbo) and the black punk gets torched after they've stabbed down a woman in an alley.
But hey, the entire movie is great!! The dance scene in the park was also fun, especially when the horseback riding cop shows up and runs alongside Eastland.
The ending was great, with X running around screaming "You wanna clean up the streets? I *AM* the streets!"
I'd love to see a restored version of this movie, in widescreen and decent sound!
Anybody know if the soundtrack is available anywhere? Great music too.