Countdown/ current events?

Hey Iv watched this Docudrama again recently does anyone notice Parallels unfolding. Banking/Financial Crisis, Middle East tensions, Iran threating to block the Strait of Hormuz do you guys see any Parallels?


This movie is the reason I picked orders for the Persian Gulf during the first tryst there.I was 13 when I saw it on HBO when it first aired.I was in the Navy.


Oh yes- absolutely. The parallels are astounding, and it definitely seems like a nuclear war is right around the corner. In fact, nothing says nuclear war like a mortgage lending crisis.

So I grabbed a couple sandwiches and a few bottles of water and I have been hiding under my bed for the last week just waiting for the missiles to hit. I think we only have a few more days before a nuclear holocaust- I suggest you find a safe place to hide as well. The end is near!


Could become true...if Iran nukes Israel or someone else the end is afraid. But i'm curious about how/if i would survive a nuclear winter. Probably not but i'm not afraid of that fate anyway.

"Microchanges in air density, my a$$....."

