The ending

This is an enjoyable 80s nostalgia trip, but it seems like just as things are really starting to roll, the movie just cuts leaves you wanting more...My guess based on the ending dialogue, is that the nukes were confined to the Straits of Hormuz (sp?) and 'life went on'. Otherwise, very good and holds up surprisingly well given it's age. On a side note, 'Special Bulletin' from 1983 makes a good companion piece to this TV movie, as it is done in a somewhat similar news/reality film making style.


I think that's where the movie ends but remembver the the military "pulls out all the stops" The Presidents and the rest of offical Washington was being evcauated and the EBS was being activated over radio and television I often wonder what woulod have happened if the movie went on longer I think a fullscale War between the Soivet Union and the United States would have ensued


I agree, a very enjoyable nostalgia trip. I did not get the feeling that "life went on." The whole movie is about the small, incremental build up of tensions. It implies, particularly with one of the interviews of an expert, that once the process begins it is very difficult to stop. He cites WW1 as an example of a war that could have been avoided.
I find it very interesting that though this movie is over 25 years old, the geo political story line is as plausible today as it was back then. Perhaps it's time to appreciate one aspect of the cold war. It remained cold. Yes, the super powers fought each other with surrogate nations. But at least neither of them was crazy enough to actually launch a weapon.

