That's a good assessment of Conan the Destroyer's intent and it's fantasy classmates (from the D & D popularity spike).
Assuming that the OP was serious, my reason for rating this film low goes beyond just the films merits (or lack thereof). It's primarily because this is the film that essentially slayed the Conan franchise, which I had high hopes for.
Conan the Barbarian was rendered seriously by the director and showed an unflinching (R-rated) view of Robert E. Howard's Hyperborean world (with adult level violence, pillaging, blood, gore, nudity, drinking, drug use, sex, beastiality, homosexuality, cannibalism and an orgy). It had a good (inspired) cast and one of the best movie soundtracks of all time. And, as you said, the storyline was even inspiring. They were off to an auspicious start for the series.
Conan the Destroyer was aimed at a much younger audience and there is nothing wrong with that (I'm sure a PG movie was a smarter business decision at the time). But, in doing that, almost everything that made the first movie good has been diluted and dumbed down. I think they tried to do the same casting formula which worked last time, but as much I respect their accomplishments, both Grace Jones and Wilt Chamberlain are woefully bad as actors. Plus they re-hashed the music from the first movie out of context and even repeated some of the fight choreography.