It's an annoying noise, certainly much worse when played through a home theater. Someone suggested the blu ray version has this effect intentionally muted a bit, and it's true. I just finished watching this version and that noise is far less grating and, as a result, becomes more effective at the same time. I'll bet a lot of people complained about this over the years, hence the re-do on the blu ray version.
said jdkraus:
Currently working/dabbling in audio production, to me it sounds like an instrument, perhaps a violin that is then altered, either by pitch or time-stretching it. I could very well be wrong.
Oooh, you could very well be right on a stretch out of a stringed instrument. I always thought it was just a mix of tones on an 80's computer synthesizer, but I'd have to go with your thought.
It is bad to drink Jobu's rum. Very bad.