MovieChat Forums > Body Double (1984) Discussion > I get what happened, but MAJOR issue

I get what happened, but MAJOR issue


Before I start, I'm curious to know this - did anybody else get super frustrated that Jake never watered the plants? I kept yelling "water the plants" but I don't think he heard me.

Why did "Sam" kill Gloria? What was the motive? And then why did he take money from her and then hit her? Was that something that really happened, or was that part of the set-up?

And what about the guy who Gloria asked to meet at the motel who apparently bailed out on her, wouldn't that guy have some information? And why did Gloria throw those panties away? I guess it could have made sense if she was just wearing some fudge stained Hanes from her college years, but they appeared to be in pristine condition.

But HERE IS THE MAJOR ISSUE: Jake talks to Sam on the phone while spying on the house, but it is later revealed that is was Sam himself who Jake was watching, so he couldn't have been on the phone at the same time!

I know, I know -- "it's just a movie." But these are questions worthy of an answer. If you have answers, please enlighten me.

The aforementioned issues aside, I did like the film. Dug the Rear Window/Vertigo thing. Always nice to see movies about movies. I wonder if naming the protagonist Jake was a Chinatown reference. And I don't know if you guys are totally into Chinatown like myself, but in the beginning an actress impersonating the real "Mrs. Mulwray" asks for help from Jake Gittes - a plot device which Body Double seems to have borrowed as well.


No need to yell, "water the plants". We see Jake watering and spritzing the plants 30 minutes
into the movie.
Your "major flaw" explained: We don't hear Sam on the phone while seeing him in the house at the same time. We see Sam right after they hang up. Sam was already in Gloria's house talking to Jake from the house phone.


Sam was already in Gloria's house talking to Jake from the house phone.

Yup, and when we see him immediately afterwards entering the room masked as the Indian, he's holding the phone in one hand.

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder


Samgslp try to see the movie again...

Some movies are meant to be seen!



You are correct that Sam is not wearing the Indian make up when he is spying on Jake. But since he is spying on Jake he sees Holly in the house, and decides to take care of her. So he put on the make up and outfit and picks her up later. First off, she has to walk down ALL those stair in her heels. Second, you see her walking down the hill trying to get a car to pick her up and drive her somewhere. Obviously all this would take time, and we are of course expected to believe it is enough time for am to put on the Indian make up and outfit. I will grant you that a make up job that good does not take 15-30 minutes usually, there is a certain amount of belief that needs to be suspended in a movie like this. There are 15 other places where you can point to issues with timing, plot devices, or set ups that no one could ever have planned this well, but that is the way it is with movies like these. If you are along for the ride, you excuse some of them. If you are not enjoying the ride, picking them apart is easier to do. Also, it depends on what you decide is too much. For me, the Indian make up is not too much to distract me from an otherwise amazing film.


Wait wait, where is this "Sam is married to Gloria" in the movie? I don't remember that being in the movie at all. I understand that they had a relationship, but a huge inheritance? I could be completely wrong, but I have no recollection of this being in the film.


Sam is her husband yes, Jake didn't know that though, they were apparently going through a separation.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


Yeah they were together, sure, but I don't remember this being in the film: "First off, Sam is married to Gloria so killing her would put him in line for her huge inheritance."


Jake tells the policeman on the phone, after Holly leaves the exotic house, that Sam was Alexander Ravelle. Gloria's husband, whom Jake thought he didn't know.

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder


The detective's line when interrogating Scully, says it all: "When rich wives show up dead, I usually go after the husband, but you saw an Indian kill Gloria Revielle."


wouldnt the police detective figure out that both houses were owned by the same person or persons? either Gloria or Sam? where Jake was staying? and put two and two together?? that it was coincidence
just a thought...


Seems reasonable. I'm not sure Sam owned the second house though. He may have just been taking care of it for his neighbor.


The cop tells Scully about Sam being married to Gloria but he refers to Sam by his real name in the movie which I believe was Victor Ravelle.


Sam says he's house-sitting at the place Jake ends up staying in, and there's no reason to assume this part isn't true. After all, the actual owner would be getting mail and the odd phone call at that address, so lying about who owned it wouldn't even hold up to the house-sitter, much less the cops.

-There is no such word as "alot."


It's never said Sam is married to Gloria Sam is a name he gave Jake I think his real name is Victor like the other post said.


Sorry Sams real name wasn't Victor it was Alexander Ravelle sorry about that


Does the detective even know the specific house Jake is living in? It wouldn't be his legal address on his drivers license. Perhaps the detective was lax in following up on the matter.


Sam killed Gloria because he was her husband and she was a very rich lady and apparently Sam was going to come into all that money.


And like someone else explained you don't see when he's on the phone with Jake only after he already hung up and he was already in the Indian costume about to kill Gloria remember what Sam needed Jake for was the part of the "witness" that way when questioned he would say an Indian killed her And robbed her therefor her husband never being a suspect. Sam had it planned perfectly he saw Jake as an opportunity but what he didn't count on was Jake watching a porn movie and seeing Holly Body (doing that dance routine like in the window) and having Jake figure it all out.


Hi samgslp, it looks like people on this thread have answered all of your questions except two:
"And what about the guy who Gloria asked to meet at the motel who apparently bailed out on her, wouldn't that guy have some information? And why did Gloria throw those panties away?"

Gloria, behind her huge sunglasses, spots Jake in the neighborhood while she is waiting in her car for the two guys to get their stuff out of the road. She notices Jake starting to follow her, including at the mall. At the pay phones in the mall, she isn't really talking to anyone on the phone, she means to be overheard by Jake who she knows is listening nearby. She's lonely and going through a tough separation from her husband, so I think she really just wants someone to talk to, maybe hook up with, etc. She also knows that Jake is watching her in Bellini's, which is why she doesn't draw that fitting room curtain all the way, allowing Jake to see her trying on the new undies. She also knows that Jake is following her back to the garage and he's watching her, so that's why she throws away the panties, so that Jake can get them.


Hmm, interesting thoughts, but I believe she was supposed to meet someone at the motel, but he bailed on her. Who knows if it was a short-term or long-term thing, and he probably wouldn't have had any helpful info for the police, anyway. I'm sure Gloria did notice Jake following her, but was only curious about him after the fact.

