Forgotten how truly bad this movie is!
But thanks to cable, I was reminded. I actually saw this movie in the theater when I was 13 and thought it was ok, I mean the whole scene with the drill was scary. Seeing it again on cable, I'd forgotten how phony and unbelievable the movie was. Specifically, the idea that Jake would just happen to come across a commercial with Holly Body in it and somehow recognize her from the dance was ridiculous. The whole movie absolutely falls apart at that point. Even the dance itself doesn't make sense- Holly uses her hands to play with her long, luxurious hair... when she doesn't even have long, luxurious hair! Since we know Sam/Alexander also saw Holly's movie and hired her based on her dance routine to imitate his wife, who had long, luxurious hair, he had Holly wear a wig. So in her original dance, why would Holly play with her hair like that, when her hair was so short?
On top of that, Sam needed 1) a heterosexual 2) pervert 3) with no job 4) or girlfriend 5) or place to live 6) who suffered from claustrophobia to set up as his pasty, which he finds in ONE day and then hires Holly IMMEDIATELY to start dancing in his house, while somehow GUARANTEEING that Gloria will ALWAYS be out of her own house for an hour or two every night. And Sam does this all in one day!