Things That Happen In Every Beverly Hills Cop Movie
After making his name as a standup comedian and a rising star on "Saturday Night Live," Eddie Murphy was launched into superstardom with blockbuster films like "48 Hours" and "Beverly Hills Cop." The latter film likely contributed to his status the most since he was the star and didn't have to share the screen with a name as recognizable as Nick Nolte (as was the case with "48 Hours").
The film about a young cop from the gritty streets of Detroit investigating the murder of an old friend on the polished streets of Beverly Hills wasn't only an excellent showcase for Murphy's comedic talent, but his acting chops as well. With its combination of classic cop movie drama, impressive action, and Murphy's quips, the film was such a hit that it spawned two sequels and a reboot (or requel) produced in 2022.
To honor the original action-comedy trilogy, we are highlighting the things that (for better or worse) happen in all of the first three films. Of course, we will be omitting things like car chases and shootouts since that's standard action movie fare. Instead, our focus is on recurring plot elements and story details that pop up again and again.