No Regard For Choral Music in Sarasota
My classical music station, WSMR-FM--the Weasels, the Stoats, the Martens, the Rodents, the Ferrets and the Mustelids--, features a special show at 7PM on weekdays dedicated to outstanding masterpieces. As is typical of its regular programming, its emphasis is on orchestral music; the only choral music it plays with any regularity are CARMINA BURANA, the GLORIA of Vivaldi, and--surprise!--Kochel 626.
They play practically everything else by Mozart every day, so why don't they also play his Masses and other religious pieces, to say nothing of the Masses of the Haydn brothers, which are my favorite choral music?
How about you posters in this board? Are your classical music stations more appreciative of choral music?
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)