Theory about the true tragedy of the movie
I noticed several times throughout the movie they make a point of showing that Salieri has a love of desserts. When he shares the "nipples of Venus" with Mozart's wife, when he is attempting to take some sweets from the table in the room where Mozart and his girlfriend are hiding when we first meet them, and in the very beginning of the film when the caretakers in the insane asylum know he loves desserts and attempt to get him to let them in with a bribe of his favorite dessert. There may have been 1 or 2 other instances i'm forgetting.
My point is- this seems too intentional and frequent to just be random or for comedic value. Why would this be written into the script? Considering that Salieri appears to truly enjoy these desserts, and Mozart's wife complements him on the nipples of Venus which Salieri says he made himself with the kind of admiration Salieri craves so badly for his music, was the movie trying to subtly say that the real tragedy is that Salieri's true calling was baking/cooking/food and not music? That he failed to eclipse Mozart becuase he had the wrong passion?
I know it sounds sort of ridiculous and silly at first but honestly its something that's always stuck out at me when watching this film. Is the real irony of the story that God did answer his prayers and give him talent, but he simply mistakenly thought it was supposed to be music while it was these desserts that keep popping up all along?
Weird theory I know but I can't help but think there was something intentional there. Anyone else think or notice this? Does this sound plausible?