Why was this movie deliberately killed by the studio?
It was! In 1984 I remember seeing TV ads for it - maybe twice - and shown in dead late-night time slots. Being a fan of sci-fi and cult films I thought it looked completely brilliant! I wrote down the opening date from an ad, and told my friends about it. Nobody believed me that it even existed, because they hardly advertised it at all. Eventually I met one - ONE person who had also seen an ad for it.
I was all pumped to see it when it came out and started calling theaters when it was supposed to be coming out. None. Despite the few ads, not a single one of the dozen or so cinemas near my house were showing it. This was in Massachusetts. I am guessing it probably had a few showings in Boston but I was just a little too young to organize a trip there for this. Eventually I remember by 1985-1986 it was out on tape and had a decent showing on cable (where they like to play anything to death anyway). Many of my friends and other people I knew had seen it by then and it was appreciated by them as one of the better sci-fi movies of the time.
I have seen this type of thing happen numerous times since. This means that the studio paid to have it made, but decided it was easier to write it off than spend any effort or money promoting it. They paid for it, and let it die. Usually it seems they do this with films which are either a real trainwreck (like Southland Tales), or was politically incorrect enough to annoy many (like Idiocracy). But IMO Buckaroo Banzai was a fairly charismatic movie, many people who said they probably didn't understand it enjoyed it anyway because it was a fun ride. It had an interesting story, impressive cast, good effects... Maybe not the greatest thing ever but not off-putting. Perhaps it would not have been the next big blockbuster but if they actually put it out there and gave it the push of even an average movie I think it had enough appeal to do reasonably well, and maybe make its money back. So what happened? Anybody have any inside info on why the film was buried like this? I have always wondered and would be interested to hear what the problem was.