Where is the overthruster?

Maybe I missed something, but after they rescue Penny, they never do find the overthruster.
In the deleted scenes, Buckaroo says that it wasn't in her purse, and he'll find it if he has to tear the place apart. It seems odd that they never resolved that plot point.

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<-- I'm the first to ever use this icon


It seems odd that they never resolved that plot point.
Well stopping Whorfin became top priority. The Banzai Institute could always build another one now that there's no longer the danger of Whorfin getting his hands on it.

On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy.


It was later used as a prop in Star Trek: Next Generation, and I think some of the other Treks.


Ayup. "Pen Pals." (Weak episode, IMHO.) Also take a look at the "Dedication Plaque" on the bridge of the "D." Another hilarious reference to this fine flick...


not sure what movie you guys watched, but the SecDef takes the overthruster out of Penny's bag and runs off with it. Then he gets held at gunpoint by the little kid, who grabs the overthruster from him and gives it to Buckaroo.


According to Pinky Carrurthers, the overthruster is now being used as a can opener by Mrs. Johnson.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
