MovieChat Forums > 2010 (1984) Discussion > Fast food of sequels

Fast food of sequels

I can't believe people not only tolerate, let alone like, let alone prefer this movie to almost any movie out there..

As usual, I am swimming against the current - not because of my own choices, but because the masses always follow the shiny object, and I am the only one trying to tell them the Emperor has no clothes. I know it was a bit convoluted to try to mesh a couple of metaphors like that, but it's exactly what this movie is doing.

I struggled to choose a topic for this post, because there were so many options.. this movie being an insult, not only to Stanley's work AND vision, but to movies in general.

This movie takes the EASIEST, most CALCULATED route possible; let's take a celebrated, old, cerebral sci-fi classic and make it into junk food for the masses. Profit.

This movie is exactly what you expect. You can basically predict most of it easily. It has a happy ending, a 'cold war' era 'USA vs. Russia' war theme (groan, did a sci-fi movie really need this 'contemporary political fearmongering' type (un)realism? Can't movies just be fantasy and escapism?), no particularly interesting twists and it's easy to just consume by anyone and be happy about it at the end.

That is, unless you know actually good stories, movies and so on.

This is such a predictable claptrap to please the lowest common denominator. Everything is explained verbally, everything is simplified down, the 'boring' stuff is removed, the vision forgotten, and now it just because the stupidest story ever with the happiest ending any sci-fi movie has ever gotten. No consequences of two suns, except everyone is happy now?

Look, I love a happy ending probably more than anyone, but this is the wrong way to go about it.

This movie first nostalgiabaits the fjord out of you by showing the most interesting and coolest parts of the original, then just gives you this TYPICAL non-story hollyweird schlock instad of some lone man's cryptic vision-based proper story.

It ties everything so neatly as a beautiful bow at the end, you want to vomit.

Where is the mystery? Where is the novelty? Where is the vision? Where is any kind of good story?

This movie is somewhat polished, and things 'work just fine' in it, but the problem is, it's not a filling meal, because it's SUPERFICIAL schlock. It doesn't even TRY anything original or never-before-seen stuff. It doesn't give you interesting locations or story points, it doesn't make you philosophize and ponder. It just tells you 'this is what happens, everyone is happy now, the end'.

I bet Stanley hated this movie, it's SO far removed from anything interesting and unique, it's 'just another superificial sci-fi popcorn flick' you can pick up, watch and forget by the time you get up from your couch.

There's no spirituality in this movie, but hey, they at least torture dolphins and treat these higher-level human beings as possessions, something you can own. The arrogance of these people know no bounds.. this IS exactly what the vapid tiktokkers (I refuse to spell this any other way) would do, if they could. This is what these glitter-thirsty, shallow rich people would do - just capture ANYTHING that seems prestigious and put them in your own pool, regardless of anything else.

I don't know how much they tortured the dolphins while making this movie, but WAS THAT EVEN NECESSARY?

This movie is like a 'spiritual' woman who reads about Yoga and buys indian scarfs and listens to sitar music and thinks THAT makes her soooo spiritual, and much better than her colleagues that also practice yoga, because this woman also bought a dolphin-shaped crystal to rub every morning.

People think dolphins are just animals, but then, people believe all kinds of official stories, no matter how outrageous (when you step away and look at what we are actually being told, you can't tell me it doesn't seem a bit ridiculous..).

I won't get into details, but I will just point to a few materialistic, superficial things that should at least make you feel there could be something to it..

01) Dolphins have bigger AND more complex brains than the land-people (that can most of the time not even be called humans, because their attitudes, behaviour and level of evil prove they're mostly half-animals, half-demons or full demons). I won't even mention the chakra development, as in the third-eye chakra that dolphins take for granted as much as we take our noses for granted.

02) Dolphins also have 'human hands' inside their flippers - just look at a skeleton or an X-Ray image of those things. I was actually surprised to find this.

03) Anyone that has ever looked deep into the eye of a dolphin, knows their eyes are not the usual 'half-empty (or almost fully empty) stare' of an animal, their eyes are HUMAN EYES, and they look at you exactly as a thinking human being would/does.


04) Dolphins are considered very intelligent, and they have proven their intelligence time and time again by being able to understand and perform complicated patterns and behaviours, plus, from my anecdotal evidence; they are VERY interested in computers and technology (when you try to show them something, they can often be seen to investigate your computer tech instead of what boring stuff you stupidly put to play on the screen - of course, nowadays this doesn't work very well due to computers having been reduced to portable one-hand rectangualr miniscreen ones that people, for some reason, call 'phones').

05) There are numerous stories about dolphins having rescued people, usually in an intelligent and caring way. Animals can mean well, but they don't quite have the capabilities dolphins have expressed a lot during history.

06) When you research Atlantis beyond some crappy articles written by lunatics and all these 'I will believe anything because it's a trend'-women, you can start seeing a pattern; dolphins were a big deal, and communicating and working together with them was normal back then.

07) I will just simplify this by resorting again to my own experiences, which won't prove anything, of course.. but..

The feel. There's no animal on the planet that can manipulate your vibration frequency, your energy, your feeling, the way dolphins can. They can really elevate your whole being to an almost surreal, heavenly level, basically they can almost get you 'high', I suppose. You can truly feel like you are being healed just by their presence.

This effect was almost a shock to me, completely unexpected and an enormous surprise. Once the doors opened and I was the first to walk into the area, I was overwhelmed by a powerful energy I can only call 'love'. It's very difficult to explain, some people might be too thick to experience it, but if you have any sensitivity to energies/feelings/atmospheres, this is something amazing you can experience.


I never experienced that anywhere else, but I did feel something slightly similar in two separate (in two different countries and continents) 'prayer rooms', where people meditate and pray a lot in big groups. There was some kind of powerful 'soul-cleansing' energy that I can't really explain, but it feels almost euphoric, you feel like you are walking on clouds, I guess, and it's like your soul gets to take a shower instead of just your body.

Animals can't create this kind of atmosphere, but dolphins can.

The last anecdotal evidence I am going to mention is that I read once how people during those ancient times were able to 'telepathically call' a dolphin, and they will heed that call soon after. For exampe, sitting on a beach and just concentrating and so on.

I decided to try this, and to my surprise, it actually worked, a dolphin came to check me out, and seemed almost puzzled/confused as to why some modern goofy bipedal entity can just use such an ancient call. I know, it's just my interpretation, the dolphin could've just randomly happened to swim there and been constipated for all I know, but it was a bit startling, as I did NOT expect it to happen.

In any case, there's so much more, but I want to go back to describing the movie and how disappointing it is.

Including dolphins in this movie instead of some actual spiritual content or message, even, just speaks VERY loud as to the usual stupidity these nihilistic fks always do when trying to convince they are good at something or spiritual. Look, it's a good movie, almost the same title as the classic, similar spaceships, same characters (HAL) and then analyzing and explaining the original! It's just as good!

Yes, it's spiritual and has a large, Universe-encompassing message about human spiritual evolution and all, look, we put DOLPHINS in the movie, now you must think it's a spiritual movie, right? RIGHT?


As Bruce Lee once said, people always mimic the mannerisms and the external, the motions and the sounds, the things they can easily see and hear, without understanding the CORE of what it actually is.

With all the Bruce Lee exploitation that happened during his lifetime and after he was gone, he could NOT have been more right.

People are such cargo culters, and yet they believe themselves to be somehow cultivated, elevated and spiritual. They think they are the peak of civilization, and when they deny life on other planets, they can truly feel like emperors of the Universe.

Too BAD that emperor has always been naked, but these people still try to convince all the other half-apes that they have beautiful clothes on. And the masses, as in people in this board, cheer as the emperor struts his naked, disgusting, sweaty love handles and rolls on stage.

Why are you like this, Earth people? Why can't you at least ONCE pull your head out of the sand (and hollyweird's buttocks) and see and tell the truth? Why can't you go against the grain for once in your life, at least when it's warranted?

I don't mind going with the flow if I agree with that flow, but when a movie is THIS BAD, and it shamelessly EXPLOITS the better movie THIS MUCH... just to tell us your typical warmongering non-story you have seen a thousand times before, WHY do people still worship it?

It should have left at least SOME mystery, it should NOT have tied everything so neatly together at the end, it should not have had a happy ending like that.. there should've been some kind of GRAND VISION this movie is based on, but nope. Nothing like that.

You get EXACTLY what the stupidest masses want out of a 'sci-fi' movie, and that's all you get. You even have the injected romance in it.. GROAN!

Why was this movie made? Can anyone tell me WHAT great vision it was based of? Was this movie necessary? Why would anyone EVER make a sequel?

All together now: MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
