Savor The Veal
While at times I think this show bordered on a little too prudish, at least when it came to Tony and Angela, I can understand that it was a show designed for families to watch together. So, I can see why the sex topic was danced around for the most part. I know that Tony and Angela were still not sleeping together during the last season even though they were together and soon engaged because they didn't want to set a bad example for the kids. I guess my question is, do you think (even though we never saw it, obviously) they finally began sleeping together when Angela moved to Iowa to live with Tony? At that point, it would've been slightly ridiculous for the audience to assume that even now, miles away from their kids, they'd still feel the need to share separate rooms even though they were planning on being married. We know that Tony had sex with someone he wasn't married too, and if I recall there was nothing confirmed with Angela sleeping with anyone (other than Michael when he briefly returned in Season 1), but she was clearly willing and wanting to sleep with Tony during the Jamaica episode. It was only his comments about wanting to wait to "Until/Unless" they got married that stopped things.