Savor The Veal

While at times I think this show bordered on a little too prudish, at least when it came to Tony and Angela, I can understand that it was a show designed for families to watch together. So, I can see why the sex topic was danced around for the most part. I know that Tony and Angela were still not sleeping together during the last season even though they were together and soon engaged because they didn't want to set a bad example for the kids. I guess my question is, do you think (even though we never saw it, obviously) they finally began sleeping together when Angela moved to Iowa to live with Tony? At that point, it would've been slightly ridiculous for the audience to assume that even now, miles away from their kids, they'd still feel the need to share separate rooms even though they were planning on being married. We know that Tony had sex with someone he wasn't married too, and if I recall there was nothing confirmed with Angela sleeping with anyone (other than Michael when he briefly returned in Season 1), but she was clearly willing and wanting to sleep with Tony during the Jamaica episode. It was only his comments about wanting to wait to "Until/Unless" they got married that stopped things.


I believe they did sleep together. Iowa, definitely! They could have done it and it was not talked about. Tony could have gone to NY for a rendezvous, or the Fairfield Inn! All of that pent up lust. Even if one thinks they didn't "do it" before. After Tony comes back home and applies for his old job, they must have gone upstairs.
Just passing through


I wondered that too, b/c I was surprised about the seperate bedrooms, especially when Angela's was being remodeled & she had to bunk w/ Mona. Sam lived w/ that cowboy & away at college she probably was getting it on, considering a string of boyfriends that she had. And Angela went away for weekends w/ men; and in the beginning she was going to sleep w/ her boss to try to get promoted to President. Tony stayed out all night w/ women, and at one point Angela & her boyfriend and Tony & his girl all wind up next to eachother at the same hotel. So obviously there was pre-marital sex going on, and by the time they get together, the kids are all grown up & probably doing "IT" too, so I don't understand why they made it so weird about Tony & Angela sleeping together. Not to mention all the vulgar sex remarks Mona made constantly during the whole season, even when the kids were small.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


I understand that they didn't want to set a bad example. They should have thought about that when Tony slept with Kathleen. Even the kids wanted them to do it! I read an article, where Judith Light thought they should get married. She said "they could have had some interesting storylines after the marriage". Dr. Quinn and Sully were not boring after marriage. I agree with Judith, it would have been great.

Just passing through


I've rewatched "An Affair to Forget" (the one right after they finally declare their love for each other) a few times, and when they are in the car at the end, it certainly seems like they are talking about sex. They were saying that things should happen at its own pace--do you really think they were talking about kissing or making out?


I think that by season 8, Tony and Angela were sexually active. BUT on the other hand, Tony seemed very old-fashioned in that Angela was "THE ONE"...and given that, he didn't want to disrespect Angela and what they had with premarital sex. Sure, he'd done it with "others"...but it was QUITE clear in they way he was with then that they they were not Angela.

So it could be either scenario...that's what was "Special" about WTB...they left MANY things open-ended.

“Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with” –Brian to Tracy in Mahogany


I know that as a sappy romantic TV viewer, I wanted their to be a wedding episode. I agree with the comments that they could've gotten some good episodes after the fact. I think The Nanny proved this with storylines about the wedding/Fran fitting in as his wife/pregancy/Maggie's wedding/move to I would have been happy either way that WTB chose to do it.

Also, The Nanny did not consummate until after the wedding and they lived in the same house as well. I think both WTB and Nanny the couples figured since they waited 5+ years that they might as well make it special and wait. Which is kind of nice. Plus it also signifies they consider each other special enough to not treat it like any other relationship.

I've heard that Tony himself did not want a wedding episode...and I did like the way they chose to do it, having Tony come back to ask for a job, Angela in her same robe and towel...but this time Tony is coming as his own man, with a college degree and career options, which was kind of cool.


YES...agreed to ALL, bn bailey!

~Just because you are a character, doesn't mean you have character!~ Pulp Fiction...


You do realize this show was a work of fiction. You are asking a question that was never filmed or addressed on screen. How can anyone possibly give an answer here
