MovieChat Forums > Who's the Boss? (1984) Discussion > How did Tony deal with Danny´s homosexua...

How did Tony deal with Danny´s homosexuality?

Somehow, Danza strikes to me as someone who would've had a problem with it.


well judith supports it but it would b interesting 2 know how tony feels as it's been years since dan came out i don't have a problem as many stars came out & i support them


According to that National Enquirer mag in '97, Danza was very supportive of Danny's coming out.

They had their WTB? reunion a few years ago, while Alyssa was doing Charmed and Danza had his talk show. They all seemed very in-tune with each other. They didn't seem like they didn't talk after the show concluded in '92 or held any ill feelings towards another.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


Danny was interviewed recently and said he loves Judith and Tony. Although it was a sitcom, he still thinks of them as his parents.

I came to Casablanca for the waters.....


I saw an interview where he said he supports him. Although, it did rub me the wrong way how he called it Danny's "choice". He's pretty conservative so his views on the issue don't really surprise me. But he made it clear that he loves and supports Dan so I guess it's okay.

It just surprises me how different he and Judith are on certain things like LGBT rights because Judith is such an activist. I have a problem with people who call being gay a "choice" but if that's Tony's opinion, he's entitled to it.


It is a choice just like anything else.


Yeah, and being right-handed or left-handed is a choice. And what foods you like and don't like is a choice. Did you "choose" your hand-preference? Did you choose whether or not you like the taste of pizza? I'm a conservative, but many of my fellow conservatives annoy me when they state or imply that homosexuality is a "choice"!


Yeah, some people choose to be ignorant :)


Okay, well what do you say to someone who started out heterosexual and later in life became homosexual?

i don't have a sig


Okay, well what do you say to someone who started out heterosexual and later in life became homosexual?

That they were in denial and tried to make themselves be straight. They tried to make that a choice even though it's not. I worked with a guy once who is gay. Actually, I worked with both him and his partner, and became close friends with them. They had been together for many years, but prior to their relationship he was married to a woman for 10 years and even had a son. He openly admitted he always new he was gay, but before he "came out," he tried desperately to hide it because he didn't want to be gay and he didn't want people to know. That's why he got married. He was trying very hard to repress that side of himself. The thing is, he had to TRY to be straight, but he didn't have to try to be gay. That's just how he was born. I have no doubt there are many other people that repress that side of themselves all their lives and never come out. They do it out of fear and embarrassment because, honestly, many people in our society are down right cruel when it comes to homosexuality. The sad thing is, they will live their lives never being fully happy because of other people judging them.




Your comment is dumb. People can turn gay. I had a friend who was with guys all the time but realized years later she preferred girls. Not everyone is born gay.


Oh my god. These comments...


I thought Tony would have tried to beat it out of Danny.


....and loose a high profile job for assault on a co-worker? Even he would not have risked it.

Danza might not have understood it fully-understood it like 2020--but he understood assault was illegal on a co-worker in the 80's and being a star, he would have immediately been all over the news for having done that irrespective of the motive.

And any future offer would have been gone too. He would not have flushed a possibility of casting offers. If he did not like a specific co-worker he always could have left the series.
