MovieChat Forums > The Tripods (1984) Discussion > was this show successful?

was this show successful?

Was this show successful when it came out back then?


Well, they did two out of the three books, so it was successful to a degree.


So I guess the show was axed then after 2 seasons? What a pity, I'm watching the episodes now,up to season 2 atm so I guess the series doesn't quite end


They leave it at two thirds in the way but still the TV series is quite entertaining. Read the third book to get a satisfying end (and when you read it you discover why it would be vastly more expensive to film than the first two books, which is probably why it was cancelled especially because Michael Grade, the then controller of the BBC disliked sci-fi and also axed the much more popular Doctor Who show). There is also series of '80s comics by the US Scouting magazine Boy's Life which nicely depicts all three of the original books.


Season two starts to really deviate from the books (Cognoscs?), which was a serious mistake. Yes, season three would have had to had a bigger budget.

I really hope a new film version of this story gets made.


I'm halfway through series two at the moment. It looks like it cost a FORTUNE to make. Some of the special effects are remarkable. There's a huge cast. Big costumes. loads of different locations.

Being so expensive, it would need to have delivered. The tripods not appearing for whole episodes will not have helped keep an audience onboard.

They only did 2 out of 3, so it must have faltered in the ratings during the second series.


No, is the answer. It was a complete failure. As drama, as sci-fi, as an adaptation of the novels, as television. As art, as popular entertainment. I was part of the target audience when it was broadcast, and I remember being bored to tears by it and preferring The A-Team. And I loved 2001; I could sit down and watch something slow and engrossing. The Tripods was just slow. Nothing happened. The first series could have been shortened to two fifty-minute episodes without losing anything. And although it was expensive to make, there weren't many Tripods. The show wasn't called Trek Through Northern France with Weedy Kids; it was called The Tripods, and that's why I watched it. I was sorely disappointed.

It was axed by new BBC controller Michael Grade, who also cancelled Dr Who at much the same time. Because they were both rubbish. They were rubbish. As far as I can tell it has never been repeated on British terrestrial TV, and so for people my age it's just a memory of a show that had been on long ago and was cancelled before it finished. There's a good article about it here:

It's notorious for being the last gasps of old-school British TV sci-fi, along with Star Cops, which was also a dismal waste of money. Red Dwarf absolutely trounced both shows; it was funny, the sci-fi was smarter, and when I was at school it was hip. The Tripods was years behind the curve.

The title sequence was ace though:


Interesting to see Star Cops mentioned. I got it all on VHS in a charity shop a couple of years back, and didn't make it beyond the end of episode one. Deeply boring.


interesting to hear how it was received back then! I assumed as much, since there's no third season! So, Ashley, what brings you here? Doesn't sound like you liked the show at all... or have you changed your mind over the years? I'm watching these now with my ten year old son (rabid fan of the new Dr. Who series). It's clearly not as fast paced and flashy as the new Dr. Who, but he likes it well enough. Despite the limitations in the early 80s video technology (the sound is all over the place), I find it to be very entertaining!


No, is the answer. It was a complete failure.

That's not true - according to it was a huge success. I was part of the target audience too at that time but I remember little more than being scared (but not bored!) by the show. My brother loved it (he even read the book back then because of it) and remembered it so well that he went looking for the show a short time ago. So your feelings about it aren't what everyone else felt about it. I just watched the show again nearly 30 years later and it was neither boring nor rubbish despite some little weaknesses.
By the way - I doubt it would have gotten a second season if it was received badly - especially considering the production cost so I trust my link more than your word in this case.


i was scared of it as a kid too but i still loved it. ashley probably was already too old at that time. probably already capped.


According to (It seems to be a fansite but I see no reason why it shouldn't be reliable. It's in German so unless you speak German you either have to take my word for the contents or use a translator.) it was a very huge success. According to the link the viewing figures were around 10 million viewers in the UK throughout all of its run even though there were only 8 million kids in the UK at that time. According to the side that number is similiar to the one that Star Trek Next Generation had when it started in the USA.

Apparently Tripods got axed because of the high production costs that would have been even higher in season 3. The BBC was afraid that the viewing figures would go down with the Sci-Fi boom coming from Star Wars subsiding in the Mid-80s. (That was before it went up again with Star Trek Next Generation). BBC had 2 Sci-Fi series at that Time - Tripods and Dr. Who and one was supposed to be axed. So they axed Tripod even though it was more successful than Dr. Who - but Dr. Who was much cheaper. At least that's what the linked side says.


@ Jelvit the US is like 1000 times larger than UK so i doubt they had 8 million kids in the US


According to the UK population is 63 millions now. So why shouldn't they have had 8 million kids back then?

BTW: The USA have 316 million citizens now according to So the population is just about 5 times bigger than that in the UK, not 1000 ;).

No matter how many kids there were the viewing figures were around 10 million viewers according to that webpage which makes it a success.


Jelvit you knew what I meant though,the US has 54 states isn't 1 state the size of UK? where you from in uk anyway lol :]


I know that you meant the size. But if you talk about the number of kids/people it's about the population, not the size of the territory.

I'm not from the UK at all, I'm from Germany. But I still watched the show as a kid (dubbed).;)


yeah i know just saying lol,Ahhhh my bad.Where in Germany are you from? I've been to Berlin,Munich,Frankfurt you ever been to UK?


Ah, interesting! I'm from Osnabrück. That's in Northwestgermany. I've been to Munich but not to Berlin or Frankfurt so far. I haven't been to the UK yet though I'd like to and might just do so some time soon.


ah so not far from Dortmund then,Berlin is a nice city,I really liked the Curry wurst.AH cool so when you do come over anywhere in you have in mind to go in the UK


Well, I wouldn't exactly call it not far from Dortmund (it's about 1h 30 und more than 100km away)- but I guess relatively speaking it is :). I'm happy you liked the Currywurst - you could say that it's a lot more the national dish than Sauerkraut nowadays.;) I love it too.

Not that soon, I'm afraid ;). But it's the country that I want to visit next.


well yea I mean't relatively speaking, I didn't mean round the corner lol-Yea I do like the Currywurst and the Kartoffelpuffer. so maybe you will come to UK in a years time?
