"The "cap" is a mind control device"
That's like saying 'a computer is a number calculator'.
Sure, you'd be trivially correct, but a computer is just so much more than something that computes.
The cap (no need for quotes) is way more than just a mind-control device. It's a PERSONALITY-CHANGING and sometimes -DESTROYING system that operates on multiple levels, keeping the personality of someone permanently as 'neutered'. It's like a technological castration system, it's a dumbing-down machine as well. It doesn't let you achieve the highest levels of intelligence and wisdom a human being can, it .. if you will .. CAPS you at a certain point.
It's like an intelligence-cap, skill-cap, etc. The word 'cap' is perfect, because it describes SO many things - a 'stop' to your spiritual and intellectual evolution, it caps you at a certain point, a hat (which it sort of is, a permanent, partially imbedded hat), a cover of some kind (it covers your head), and so on.
It can't be easily translated to other languages exactly because it so perfectly means so many things.
I hate when people simplify things and by doing so, distort their meaning. The Cap is SO MANY THINGS, it's a crime to just reduce it to a mere 'mind-control device'. If you're capped, you become a hopeless case. If it was just a mind-control device, you could still go back to your original self after the control is over. But with cap, you can't go back, ever, because it permanently CHANGES you, it destroys something valuable and the only way for you to regain your true self is to DIE.
So please be more careful in the future in how you describe things.
I know this comes almost two decades too late, but better late than never..