A 'prequel' series?

Ever since I've read about this brilliant 80's series, which I watched originally, being resurrected by various cast members, I've wondered about what storylines they could have written for the show, which led me to thoughts of the possibility of a prequel series?

This is always dodgy ground to tread on, especially following such a great and proven series as RoS, but with surviving cast members (RIP Robert Addie [Guisburne])and original crew, with several newer character actors, surely it could rise above the typically puerile teen fodder we usually get?


How would surviving cast members work in a prequel. Shouldn't the characters look YOUNGER, not thirty years older?


Some past films and series' have used the original actors in other roles in later remakes?

Why not RoS? It'd be a nice twist, depending upon the actor/ess or role?


Well Michael Praed did dub the vocie of the actor playing Robin's father (Ailric of Loxley) at the start of the first episode... maybe he could play Robin's grandfather, or even Herne?


What could a prequel really add to this series? Prequels generally show how the character came to be; we already know how Robin of Sherwood came to be, how he met Much (he was his adopted brother), how he met Will Scarlet (they escaped together) etc. A prequel series would just be a series of awkward disjointed cameos.

She's really Tyler Durden/Keyser Soze/A Man/A Ghost/Dreaming/His sled


Well, we don't know for certain how Robin's father, Aelric, became the guardian of the Silver Arrow for one thing. That could be explored. Nikolas Grace has aged pretty darn well and with a decent hair piece and make up he could likely play the Sherriff again without too much of a problem.

Even if it was just for a feature length special or something, it would at least be something fun and, assuming Kip Carpenter was writing it, a darn sight better written than a lot of programmes on British telly right now.


I think I'd rather a sequel rather than a prequel. The actors are all older (aren't we all! lol) but I'm sure that there could be some way to tie in all their lives 10 years down the track. If they didn't want to resurrect their roles, then "kill em off" and inject some new blood in there. :)

"Nothing's forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten"


If you havn`t seen it, for a sequel you could try watching the 1975 film "Robin and Marion"
Although there are a couple of discrepencies, the story there picks up with the characters in much the same situation they are in at the end of this series, only about 10 years later.
Its also rather interesting to see what Jason`s father did with the same character.

"Any plan that involves loosing your hat is a BAD plan.""


Yes, Aelric and the 'Saxon rebellion' mentioned by the Sheriff could be shown?

I often wonder if Jason asked his famous dad to guest star?
