MovieChat Forums > Robin of Sherwood (1984) Discussion > Stopped watching it after Robin of Loxle...

Stopped watching it after Robin of Loxley's death, but...

...what happened to his body? Did the Merry Men recover it and give him a proper burial or did The Sheriff do something awful like put it on display. I'm just curious.


They never show/tell us what happened to his body. It is implied that the sheriff disposes of it without ceremony, so as not to make a marter of him.


In My opinion, it was left to rot over there. Perhaps that Robert of Huntingdon buried the body in secret


Didn't the Sheriff tell Guy that Robin's body was unrecognizable (after the soldiers were done with it)?


He did. Which also argues that the sheriff simply disposed of the remains without ceremony.


In the book "Richard Carpenter's Robin of Sherwood and the Hounds of Lucifer" it says in the epilogue:

It was sunset, and the oulaws were walking away from a grave at the foot of a dead oak tree in Sherwood Forest. They headed for the lake and there they paid their last tribute to their friend with fire arrows.

Although this was never shown in the series. I like to think Robin was buried with dignity by his friends in Sherwood.

The Witch is back!


I like to think that his body vanshed before the Shief's eyes and the Sheif made the stuff that his body was unreconizable.


"I like to think that his body vanshed before the Shief's eyes and the Sheif made the stuff that his body was unreconizable. "

I don't know what astonishes me the most in your post;

- the fact that your idea is ludicrous and unexplained (why would it vanish? wouldn't vanishing have been way more handy when he was being hunted?), childish, dim-witted and corny, cheesy, hollow and cartoony, and would serve NO PURPOSE plotwise or otherwise

- the fact that you can't spell the word "vanished"

- the fact that you can't spell "unrecognizable"

- the fact that you can't spell "sheriff"

- the fact that you mistype it in two different ways

- the fact that you use a capital first character both times - which is, of course, wrong

- the fact that you forgot to add the word "up" in your proposal, making your whole post nonsensical, bad grammar and almost not even english

- the fact that you failed to create a "'d" or type the word "would" after the word "I"

- the fact that you still used an apostrophe correctly

- the fact that such a small post could contain this many errors

or the fact that I am willing to spend this much time to correct such an awful post.



I don't know what astonishes me the most in your post:

• The fact that you choose to pick someone up on their spelling not in a supportive or humorous way, but in a condemning and condescending way.

• "I don't know what astonishes me the most in your post;" This is not the correct usage of a semi-colon. I'm guessing that you 'meant' to use a colon there.

• The fact that your sentence commenting on their failing to add the word "up" in their proposal has its own nonsensical 'bad grammar': "...making your whole post nonsensical, bad grammar and almost not even english" - shouldn't that be something like, "...consisting of bad grammar..."? Just writing 'bad grammar' in that list of points is in itself nonsensical and a bad use of grammar. Also, the word 'english' in this context should be capitalised, which is, of course, 'right'.

• 'failed to create a "'d"': written in longhand that would read 'failed to create a apostrophe "d"', so surely that should be, ' apostrophe "d"'?

• The fact that such a rant could contain this many errors or the fact that I am willing to spend this much time to correct such an awful post.

What if he'd taken both the red pill and the blue pill?


@Chew line-tv.......

Excellent post.

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


In the original story after Robin was deliberately over bled by the Prioress of Kirklees Priory, he realises he is dying and shoots an arrow into the air and asks Little John to bury him where it falls. This, LJ did.

In the final death scene of RoS, Robin raises his bow to the sky and, just before releasing the arrow, looks at the Sheriff, who nods slightly in understanding and agreement. The Sheriff buried Robin where the arrow fell. That is my memory anyway from that great ending.

