Really? What world are you living in? Because in the one I inhabit, Catholics can be ordered to provide birth control in defiance of their conscience, and a US Air Force master sergeant can be threatened with court martial for opposing gay marriage on religious grounds, and taxpayer money can be given to "artists" whose work consists of crosses in jars of urine, or portraits of the Virgin Mary spattered with elephant dung (meanwhile, American newspapers quake in fear and refuse to reprint Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad).
Look, I am an agnostic, I don't believe in Christ the Savior any more than I believe in Kali the Destroyer or that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. But you seem to imagine that we live in an almost theocracy, where Christians run the show and get to impose their views. It ain't so. You can find as many examples of multiculturalists shoving their views on Christians as the other way around.