MovieChat Forums > Robin of Sherwood (1984) Discussion > If Robin of Sherwood was filmed today...

If Robin of Sherwood was filmed today...

If Robin of Sherwood was just now being done I'd like to hear who you would cast and why. Comments about new camera work and special effects are welcome as well as who might do the soundtrack. I know that nearly everything about the series is so iconic as to be irreplaceable but I'd still like to know your thoughts on a "what if" scenario.


Sound track - easy Solas!




If RoS were filmed today...they'd find a way to screw it up. Like they did with The Haunting, The Wicker Man, Miami Vice... I could go on, but it would just depress me.


I think they've actually done a pretty good job with the remake of Hawaii 50.

With current effect technology, the mystical parts of RoS could be done really well. If people like Raimie and Tappert did it, I think it could be really well done.


"With current effect technology, the mystical parts of RoS could be done really well"

Sorry to disagree, but I suspect it would be too easy to lose the mystical-ness with modern effects. When I re-watched the series recently (for the first time since the original shows [1]), I was impressed how the (now, crude) effects captured the atmosphere so well - smoke and lighting in the forest.

While they didn't have the technology, they did have the art.

[1] when has it been replayed on British TV?



If Robin of Sherwood was remade today the Religious Right would scream (and threaten) bloody murder until it was either canceled or christianized beyond all recognition.


Yeah, because Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and Charles Stanley and Jesse Helms -- you know, the "Moral Majority" -- weren't around in the 1980s. Oh, wait, that's right...


Yes, but now they have people in Congress and such, making laws against mentioning any other religion and hurting a christian's feelings.


Really? What world are you living in? Because in the one I inhabit, Catholics can be ordered to provide birth control in defiance of their conscience, and a US Air Force master sergeant can be threatened with court martial for opposing gay marriage on religious grounds, and taxpayer money can be given to "artists" whose work consists of crosses in jars of urine, or portraits of the Virgin Mary spattered with elephant dung (meanwhile, American newspapers quake in fear and refuse to reprint Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad).

Look, I am an agnostic, I don't believe in Christ the Savior any more than I believe in Kali the Destroyer or that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. But you seem to imagine that we live in an almost theocracy, where Christians run the show and get to impose their views. It ain't so. You can find as many examples of multiculturalists shoving their views on Christians as the other way around.


They were around alright, it's just that back then most people thought they were crazies - which they are/were - and at least back then had no power. We had our own versions course - there always are/were - but they had less influence


If Robin of Sherwood was remade today the Religious Right would scream (and threaten) bloody murder until it was either canceled or christianized beyond all recognition.

In the U.S. that would be more likely to be the case but not in the U.K. where the series was produced. It's overall less conservative and although we do have our fair share of the more right nut-jobs there doesn't seem to be enough to have the series cancelled. What gets me about the U.S. is that so many of them pride themselves on their constitution and their first amendment rights to freedom of speech, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness but they like these cretins like to dictate what the rest of the viewing public should enjoy. So much for the land of the free!


If Robin of Sherwood was remade today the Religious Right would scream (and threaten) bloody murder until it was either canceled or christianized beyond all recognition.

Only in fuckin right wing USA


RoS might be filmed 'today'- have you seen the updates on the fan site?

And apparently, many of the 'original cast' are keen to return!


Depending on who makes it, I would imagine it would be something like Merlin. Aslong as it's not like the newer Robin Hood series


The writing on Merlin and Robin Hood (BBC) was pretty bad on both - worse on Merlin I think - at least until season 3 of Robin Hood.

So I wouldn't want it to be like either one - maybe more like Once Upon A Time in terms of quality of writing.


What was so unique about RoS was it's timing- early to mid-80's, anything else would be consciously trying to either copy or vastly differ from it, with questionable results?


they would make justin baby as robin hood and mailey cyrus as a gay marion


Going back to the OP's original query, here's my list:-

Robin - James McAvoy
Will Scarlet - Tom Hardy
Much - Simon Pegg
Little John - Sean Bean
Lady Marion - Keira Knightley
Friar Tuck - Ricky Gervais
Nasir - Idris Elba
Sheriff of Nottingham - Hugh Bonneville
Guy of Gisbourne - Tim Roth

I realise that this is total fantasy and would never happen but they're all great actors who could do good things with the roles. Much & Friar Tuck bring the comedic elements to the show hence the casting of Pegg and Gervais.

Knightley has shown that she can do action as well as act, Hardy can play anything and wouldn't it make a nice change for Sean Bean to survive for once? :D



Game Of Thrones does Robin Of Sherwood...

Robin - Kit Harington (Jon Snow)

Lady Marion - Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)

Will Scarlet - Rory McCann (Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane)

Little John - Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane)

Friar Tuck - John Bradley (Samwell Tarly)

Nasir - Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo)

Much - Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne)

Sheriff of Nottingham - Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister)

Guy of Gisbourne - Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton)

Abbot Hugo - Conleth Hill (Lord Varys)

Prince John - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister)

Herne the Hunter - Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont)


I agree with most of this list but here are some changes

Will Scarlet - Alfie Allen

Little John - Rory McCann

Nasir - Elyes Gabel

Sheriff of Nottingham - Harry Lloyd
