MovieChat Forums > G.I. Joe (1985) Discussion > Did anyone else ever do this as a kid?

Did anyone else ever do this as a kid?

I had a huge collection of G.I. Joe figures as a kid, and in due course, many of them ended up broken (i.e., thumbs fell off, limbs broke off, the rubber O-Rings holding the figures together snapped or wore out, etc.). Whenever that happened to my figures, I'd instantly take red permanent marker or red paint to them and make them casualties of war.

Did anyone else do something like this too, or am I just that twisted?


I didn't go quite that far, but I did always attribute broken thumbs (Common amongst the Joe figures of the era) and lost limbs to combat injuries.

Now playing: Visionaries


I did the red marker thing with those rubber WWF figures, it washed off pretty good for the most part. As for broken GI Joe figures, I'd take them apart and make new figures with the spare parts, sometimes they looked cool.

I had braces at that time and they required these small elastics I had to change every day so I had bags of 'em. When the O-rings broke I'd just replace them with those elastics for my braces, they were roughly the same size, but it was always a temporary fix because they weren't as strong. Still, they held up pretty good if I wasn't playing helicopter-man with my figures. Bigger elastics worked too if they weren't too too big and you folded them over a couple times, but they'd still be pretty loose. Good for ninjas.

When I was done with my figures they all got destroyed in creative ways, lighter fluid, various crushing devices, etc. My favorite though, was homemade parachutes attached to them, and baseball bats, see how much of them make it to the ground. If I was feeling frisky, it would be like: attach parachute, apply lighter fluid, light them on fire, baseball bat. Lawn mowers were interesting too.

Also for some reason I had 2 Deep Six figures even though he was the worst one. He was that guy in the big diving suit and his arms and legs didn't really move. Me and my buddy took them in the woods one day and had a contest with lighter fluid and matches, see which one of us could melt him the fastest and the most creative. We almost started a forest fire doing that, but luckily we got the fire out by hitting the flaming Deep Six figures with a giant stick.


When Jurassic Park came out, I took a purple marker and covered over Tim's face with it to try and imply that he'd been sprayed in the face by the Dilophosaurus' venom. Unfortunately, the purple pigmentation never quite came out.


One time I had a Superman figure but I lost his cape, so I put him into a glass of water, standing with just his head poking out. I put it in the freezer. After about a week I took him out by the head like a popsicle. I smashed that Superman ice cube on the basement floor and it shattered, and the plastic from the Superman figure shattered along with it. Science.

Also, remember that blue sticky tack stuff for putting up posters? I'd use that stuff with my figures to make things like boxing gloves or handguns or whatever, but sometimes it was a basterd to get ou of the finer crevices


Lol never thought of that, but that was a good idea

..or at least I think so lol
