MovieChat Forums > G.I. Joe (1985) Discussion > Scarlett in season 2....

Scarlett in season 2....

Where the hell was she? She only had speaking parts in 3 episodes, and one of them was one line? What is up with that?

Scarlett is one of the most important and popular Joes.

Does anyone know why she was reduced to background player in season 2? I think the same happened to Duke and Snakeeyes....



Definitely. It really began during the second mini-series "The Revenge of Cobra" back in '84. Flint started to nudge out Duke and Lady Jaye Scarlett. By the time the series began to air daily in '85, the Duke and Scarlett toys were a couple of years old, and just as Optimus Prime was killed off essentially to make room for characters based on new toys in "Transformers", so too were Duke and Scarlett phased out.

Heck even Snake Eyes, the most popular Joe, had like :30 seconds tops in "G.I. Joe: The Movie [1987]" while new characters like Lt. Falcon and Jinx took center stage.

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!


I understand it was all about seeling toys of course. It is a shame, because the eps with Scarlett and Duke, as well as Snake eyes, had a little something extra. The characters were developed rather well in the Mass Device miniseries and they were in season one a lot; however it would have been nice to see more of them in season 2, And the movie of course.

It was at least nice to see them get attention in the live action film. Hopefully they do not suffer the same fate in the film sequal of being semi-replaced by Lady Jaye and Flint.


Most of the earlier characters were being phased out in favor of what was currently being offered in stores at the time.

In 86 (season 2), Scarlett (Along with Duke, Breaker et al) were 3-4 years old and were no longer available in stores, so their prominence in the show was diminished, though not completely eradicated.

Although Scarlett did make a comeback in the last DIC season for some reason.


OP, you should've known that character depth was least of the show's (writers/producers), most kids, and toy line's (Hasbro) worries. It was all about the new toy lines, and generating revenue.

It's almost a shame, though. In reality, G.I. Joe is probably one of the best produced and complex cartoon series for kids ever. It's weird, that show itself doesn't really insult child's intelligence (except the PSA messages at the end-which are taking out in the reruns - but those actually provided good advice), like alot kid shows (those so-called educational) are most often guilty of. I have to say, it might be extremely pro-military; pro-guns; some adult themes in there (like most old cartoons, the writers actually could use, subtlety).

The shows I see now, are dreadfully boring on Saturday Morning TV (NBC, ABC, and CBS).


The funny thing is that now Hasbro wants to make the same characters over and over again year after year instead of continually introducing new ones. Hence they put out Duke, Snake-Eyes, Destro, etc. in a new costume almost every few months for years at a time. Killing off Optimus Prime created a fan uproar and that's when they started to realize they were looking at their characters the wrong way, and that they were true long-term assets, not something disposable that could be easily replaced. Still, it was pretty amazing how they did manage to create new, interesting, likable characters year after year back then.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


It's a shame to read that Scarlett only had three appearances in season two. She was my favorite character. And I don't care how good the new film looks, I'm still miffed about the fact that they killed her character off.


Did any characters die during the show?

"Gentlemen, This is a War Room, There's no fighting allowed in Here!"


"Did any characters die during the show? "

None of the Joes or Cobras died in the series. Duke was supposed to die in G.I. Joe: The Movie, but the backlash from Optimus Prime's death in the Transformers movie lead Hasbro to change it to a coma instead. Villains Nemesis Enforcer and Pythona were killed, however, and I believe Serpentor died when DIC brought the series back in 1990.

Other than that, no. Oh, and I guess it should be said that there were a few Cobra jets blown up in the first episode. No parachutes emerged from them.


Scarlett was my fave too. I hear that she is not even mentioned in the 2nd film, now pushed to March 2013 and back for reshoots, so they may do something to add her back in or at least reference her character.


I think all of the cast from first film were killed, with the exceptions of Cobra Commander and Snake Eyes. None of the original cast are returning, so they're only keeping the masked characters alive.


I thought it was odd to see Scarlett and Duke in reduced roles both back then and now. I didn't know it had anything to do with toy sales.

However, even though I like Scarlett and Duke, Flint and Lady Jaye are my favorite Joes. Both "duos/couples" had chemistry but for me the Flint and Lady Jaye chemistry was the most appealing. Plus Lady Jaye had those javelins that could do 10,000 tricks at a time.

I also wished they had showed more of Ace and Alpine.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23


At least Scarlett wasn't on without any lines and apparently not in command like Duke was in "The Most Dangerous Thing in the World" from season 2.
