Most dark moments of the series...
In Nightmare Assault the nightmares of Lowlife are distributing. His father berating and verbal abusing him. Calling him a wimp and not man enough to kill twenty rats in the dark.
shareIn Nightmare Assault the nightmares of Lowlife are distributing. His father berating and verbal abusing him. Calling him a wimp and not man enough to kill twenty rats in the dark.
shareIn the 2 part episode "Worlds Without End", Steeler stumbles upon his own skeleton in an alternate dimension where he's dead. That's pretty dark.
A journey into the realm of the obscure:
That one episode where Dr. Mindbender has a machine that can transfer the face of one person to another person, leaving the first person without a face. At the end, the old lady who was trying to take Low Light's sister's face loses her face instead. At the end of the episode, you can hear the lady sobbing, begging to see her face even though she has none. It didn't make much sense but her crying was really disturbing.
shareI would say the whole "6 years in the future sequence" in No Place Like Springfield had a dark undertone. Especially, the melting people!
A narrative like that seemed so innocent and ideal (especially Shipwreck's "daughter") had to bee too good to be true.
What did Milenay say to you? Ssssspeak!...Ssspeak!