What is the meaning of Zelig?
What is the meaning of Zelig? We ask each other this, both noting that Zelig is clearly allegorical to something Woody - is it allegorical to his creative process, creative development? You suggest that maybe it was allegorical to some relationship he had with a beautiful busting buxom. Zelig´s progression begins with the death of his father. He goes from normal to strange, and begins blending in with everyone he speaks with. After his sessions with Dr. Fletcher, he is completely outspoken, having been shaped too far, via positive reinforcement, and after a few more sessions he is exactly what Dr. Fletcher wants him to be, which of course Dr. Fletcher is unwilling to admit to herself (really she didn´t change the underlying desire for approval on the part of Zelig). He then goes into remission, from which he is...
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