Dumb, Dumb. Movie.
Agree with the critics with their take on this. As TV Guide noted, “This movie was just an excuse to see how many perversities they could put in it.” Yes I had the misfortune to see this when I was a teenager & I’d tell you this was a D- at best.
Logic/common sense wise it makes no sense whatsoever.
First off Tony was already a child when Sam was abducted, as a matter of fact he was present when he was, so how did he ever wind up being a alien/human hybrid? Explain that one to me. Before any of you try to argue this point, that's the basic premise of the movie, that Sam was abducted & returned 3 years later. Not that the aliens had a habit of visiting him over the years & dropped in on him now & then.
Other than that, if the aliens were so malevolent then why didn’t they kill Sam outright when they abducted him? He told Tony or was it someone else? That “they changed him so he could survive” wherever they came from. Why would they care? Or did they do that for a more sinister end?
Seriously doubt that he was asked or given a choice in the matter but naturally these things are never revealed in the film.
Thing is I thought he AND THEY came back for Tony because A: He was his son & B: Being alien himself, the aliens didn’t want to or couldn’t leave him behind on earth, you know for secrecy’s sake, that they couldn’t leave proof of their existence behind, etc. The ending of this movie torpedo’s that idea, so I guess their coming back wasn’t for noble reasons such as that.
Why the long roundabout way to bring Sam back through that whole rebirthing process instead of just dropping him off somewhere? That seemed convoluted for sure.
If any part of Sam was still human, why would he do what he did to his son & eventually let his wife be killed or worse. He had to have been a bitch, even as a man when he was still human. He did monstrous things with no remorse or regard whatsoever. He, if he wanted to, could’ve avoided a lot of bloodshed & violence by just leaving with Tony & leaving everyone be.
Exactly who were the aliens & even though it sounds crazy, were they really bad/evil? Meaning what was their end? What did they want? Why didn’t they try to conquer or take over the planet & go to war with us?
Why bother adducting people if they mean no harm (Well I guess transforming them into others of their own kind IS harm)? If that’s what they wanted to do I have to ask myself why? Could you imagine being on a ship full of them & then seeing yourself become one of them? That’s horrific.
These things plus many more I’m sure many of you can think of is why I feel this film follows no rhyme or reason at all. It’s just a yuckfest to see how many vile things can be put into a film just for the hell of it.