this sounds crazy

the local video shop was clearing out all of they're vhs movies, after seeing xtro on the shelf for over a decade without ever actually renting the thing...i had to save xtro on vhs from the landfill. so now after reading some of these threads around here i dunno what the hell to expect. aliens? panthers? clowns? oral sex scenes?

i'm gonna get really stoned to watch this one


Pretty much all of the above.

Thanks for saving our little movie from the landfill.


and many thanks.

Harry (Director Xtro)


john the joker!

Hi Harry
It's great that you take the time to check the forums and talk to us mere mortals :-) It shows that you have a great fondness for your excellent and rather unique film. I doff my hat to you sir!


John Card

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


You did the right thing my friend!
