
I thought the movie would've ended on a more affective and somber tone if it faded to black and credits AFTER showing Rachel sitting in the dark field alone. (Which was a great shot btw with the tops of the trees n such) It would've been true to its bleak tone and really given it a helluva final emotional punch if that were the final shot and ending. But I suppose the creepy bizarro ending was alright too....


I think the ending they used totally fit the cynical tone of the movie. I knew watching it that it was going to end downbeat. That final shot (confirming no survivors)just confirms it.

I just wish the sequels continued the story from part 1. It would have been interesting to learn more about the creatures and their history. It would have been interesting to see what their home world was like, and what the point of their mission was.

I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands!
