The film begins in Vietnam in 1972. On several occations the term LRRP (pronounced "lurp"), which stands for Long Range Recon. Patrol, is used for the missing son's unit, incuding a LRRP tab above his unit patch in his shadow box. In 1969 all LRRP companys, which were attached to all major Army divisions in Vietnam, were redesignated as Ranger Companies. These companies were tasked with Recon patrol for the larger division.
A side note: most personnel assigned to these units were not graduates of the Army's Ranger school and most were not even airborne qualified- unless the Ranger company drew from the Airborne divisions (101st or 173rd, and the 82nd -though it was in Vietnam only for a year). Though most of the personnel serving in Rangers (LRRPs) companies were graduates of the in country Recondo school run by MACV/SOG, a tough several week course.
Tryed informing IMDB of goof but no response