MovieChat Forums > Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) Discussion > Dan Akroyd's character was a hitchhiker ...

Dan Akroyd's character was a hitchhiker right?

I saw this movie on HBO back in the day several times. I recently watched this film on Laserdisc(no that's not a misprint) and the opening sequence seemed to lack a scene I thought I remember. I thought I watched Albert Brooks pick up Dan Akroyd as a hitchhiker. On the laserdisc, the opening scene has Akroyd and Brooks already in the car listening to Creedance.

My questions is: Does anyone remember a scene where Akroyd gets picked up? Or, is this a case where I thought I remember a movie a certain way and I was just wrong(I do that a little more than I like to admit)?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


I've seen this movie a bunch of times and the opening scene is one of my all time favorites. I don't ever remember seeing Dan Akroyd being picked up but I always assumed he was a hitchhicker. When I mentioned that to my husband (another huge fan of the movie) he said he always assumed they were good friends on a road trip. This then started a huge (friendly) debate at the family dinner table. I guess I'm the only one in my family that thought that. Oh well, I still think I'm right!


Don't remember that scene in this movie.


I think it's just implied that he's a hitchhiker, your brain probably filled in the gaps.

or maybe not lol


I always assumed they were friends, but now I can see where it could go either way. I just never thought about it before.

Cake or death? Hmmmm I choose cake please.


Haven't seen this in years and years but I always thought of him as a hitchhiker.



They never refer to him as a hitchhiker, but that scene scared the beejezus out of me as a kid everytime I saw it. Now as an adult, seeing Albert Brooks and Akroyd in that scene makes me piss my pants. Good stuff!


I always assumed they were friends because he says "i trust you" and that didn't feel like something he'd say to a hitchiker


No information is ever given in the movie if Dan Akroyd was a hitchhiker. The only info is in the credits.....

He is listed as "Passenger." Albert Brooks is listed as "Car driver." That is all we have to work with. That's all they are.
