Comedy Central

OK, I understand censoring curse words or the N word but what I don't get is removing the beef jerky references...completely. The train scene with Valentine disguised as a man from Cameroon. He does his song then after says "beef jerky time" and offers some to Beeks. Then he offers some to Coleman dressed as an Irish priest. Then when Beeks foils their plan he says, "and no more jerky beef". All of this is cut from the CC broadcast. Anyone know why? Are people offended by beef jerky?


Probably a time edit. Gotta have as many commercials as possible right.


But all of those lines combined amount to about 5 seconds. They could shave that much time skipping the Dukes getting on the elevator.


Some militant vegans got offended.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


That's why I hardly ever bother watching movies on TV stations. Since they have to censor anything inappropriate for children and cut out scenes to make room for commercials, it seems pointless.


They don't have to do anything of the kind.


That is weird because I just watched it on Spike and the beef jerky lines were there


about due for a remake?? anyone agree?


Why would anything be "due" for a remake. No, nobody agrees.
