Landis' Hypocracy

In Animal House, the protagonist Deltas plan on passing their classes by stealing the answers to the finals. Their enemies at the Omega fraternity beat them to it and let the Deltas find a fake answer key.

In Trading Places, "good guys" Winthorpe and Valentine steal the crop report and give the evil Duke brothers a fake crop report. The Dukes lose their money, and go to jail for the same thing that Winthrop and Valentine got away with.

Winthorpe and Valentine = good guys
Omega house = bad guys?

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Interesting. Well you could say the stakes are higher in Trading Places. The Dukes pretty much caused Winthorpe to attempt suicide, so they arguably deserve what they get.

We should see the reboot, tonight, you know to try it out!



I just watched this movie and nowhere in it did it mention the Dukes going to jail. Losing everything they own, yes. Jail, no.


OP = no-nothing azz wipe. See you next Tuesday.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Simpsonzzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


It's "know-nothing", you know-nothing.
