MovieChat Forums > Trading Places (1983) Discussion > Twin Towers "Here it's 'kill or be kille...

Twin Towers "Here it's 'kill or be killed'"

Poignant now.

Made me angry at the perpetrators of 9/11.




yet the adventures/scenes here were not happening at the New York Stock Exchange - it's set in Philadelphia, PA.


Did you miss the train ride to NY? They took the train from Philly to Manhattan, going by taxi to the NY Stock Exchange.


oops - you're right. I stand corrected.


Brainfreezes happen.... :) Sorry for correcting you, it's a guilty pleasure of mine correcting people. I know, I'm a bad person...


The irony is pretty ironic huh? Alot of networks cut that scene out of respect for the 9/11 victims.... Still, weird that Dan Ackroyd should say that about the towers, OMG they were just 7 years old


Airing on Spike right now. That line was left in.


Dan Aykroyd says that line and I get chills. I was in Manhattan several times but I never went to the Twin Towers and now they are just gone.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes



I hope President Trump rebuilds the Twin Towers exactly as they looked before 9/11 happened.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBZZZZZzzzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


That's silly. Winthorpe was talking about the Stock Exchange, not the buildings the Stock Exchange was housed in! It's "kill or be killed" in Chicago, London, and Hong Kong too!


"9/11 Never Forget(but we will do our best to make you forget by editing out anything related to 9/11...)"


That's not what irony is


Another weird line in a movie with Redford as a diamond thief???

Helicopter is flying by twin towers and they say something about Afghanistan banana stand


"Made me angry at the perpetrators of 9/11."

I was angry at those f'ing cockroaches first thing in the morning of 9/11.
