MovieChat Forums > Trading Places (1983) Discussion > Delete your post Trading Places style

Delete your post Trading Places style

This post has been deleted because it was a bunch of freeloaders treated this board like it was a god damn zoo.

Don't touch the watch.




This post has been deleted because it is the last bastion of free market capitalism on earth.


This post has been deleted because it was a persian rug, it's from persia..


This post has been delete because it's beef jerky time..... it's very good you know.


This post was deleted because those men wanted to have sex with me!

"Can I ask what you expected to see from a Torquay hotel window? Sydney Opera house, perhaps?"


This post has been deleted because when they brought you in here and booked you, you were crying like a p---y! Yeah!



This post has been deleted because it was caught pilfering at our club, embezzling funds, selling it's dressing up like Santa Claus. A very sordid business.


This post has been deleted because it gives me the winds something terrible.

"Will, I told you...If you live with a hetero long enough...You're going to catch it."



This post has been deleted because you are looking at 3-5 mandatory. "Louis".


This post has been deleted because someone's been putting their Kools out on my floor.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


This post has been deleted because it ain't cool bein' no jive turkey this close to Thanksgiving.


This post has been deleted because he was wearing my Harvard tie, like "Oh sure, HE went to Harvard!".




This post has been deleted because it was a stone groove, my man.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.



This post has been deleted because its a big Barry White-lookin' motha *beep*

'Don't even act like I didn't buy that donut! I got the documentation right here.'


This post has been deleted because in Philadelphia it's worth 50 bucks.


This post has been deleted because of some terrible, awful Knee-Grow.


This post has been deleted because people don't understand my sexuality.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


This post has been deleted because La Boheme - it's an opera.

'Do you see me?' (Anton Chigurh)


This post has been deleted because...Dat's a nice Pu-hrse.


LOL! @ anfinke

This post has been deleted because the phone in its limo is busted and it can't get in contact with its bitches.

"Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!"


This post has been deleted because she stepped on the ball.

"All year long you have been calling him Bob, his name's not Bob, it's Bob, "Bo." ,"Bo"!


This post has been deleted because it is like what you would find on a bacon, and lettuce, and tomato sandwich...


This post has been deleted because once you've been with a man with no legs, you never go back, baby.

"Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!"


This post has been deleted because it's my turn to drive.


[This post has been deleted because it's a big ol' Barry White lookin mutha*****!]lol

I slam revolving doors!


This post has been deleted because its obviously some primitive attempt to try to frame me.


This post has been deleted because when we was kids - if we wanted bubbles, we had ta fah't in the tub!


This post has been deleted because I'm a f_ucking gorilla, you clown.

"What do ya got, some kinda... Spider-Sense or somethen?"
"Funny you should say that."

