This hit too close to home...literally...
I'm not sure exactly where the writer was thinking of when they wrote this story, but the effects to Santa Rosa, CA, certainly made it feel personal. We're in Ukiah, just 55 miles to the North. If Ukiah isn't "Hamlin, CA," it certainly could be.
The terrifying reality of this movie is, despite it being nearly 23 years old, that so-called "world leaders," and I'm referring to the supposedly "good ones," you know, "ours," appear bent on fostering war and hate. We've got a "president" who thinks God tells him to kill people and start wars. While we can certainly ponder which "god" that might be (the one straight down?), the effects of such lunatic "thinking" will be very real and could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, a psychotic delusion that initiating a global apocalypse in the name of "freedom" and "democracy" will also result in the "Rapture" (the Second Coming of Christ). Once half of humanity, or more, is slaughtered, and no "rapture" occurs, what will be said then? Then again, would it matter?
Nothing changes in the stupidity of the human mind or the base lusts of the human heart. Unless God, the real one, intervenes soon, I shudder at the possibility this movie -- and the other two of the unintended trilogy, The Day After & Threads -- could become reality by the end of 2006...considering open war is likely between America & Israel, and, Iran and her allies, within the next few months.
God Help Us All.