MovieChat Forums > Testament (1984) Discussion > This hit too close to home...literally.....

This hit too close to home...literally...

I'm not sure exactly where the writer was thinking of when they wrote this story, but the effects to Santa Rosa, CA, certainly made it feel personal. We're in Ukiah, just 55 miles to the North. If Ukiah isn't "Hamlin, CA," it certainly could be.

The terrifying reality of this movie is, despite it being nearly 23 years old, that so-called "world leaders," and I'm referring to the supposedly "good ones," you know, "ours," appear bent on fostering war and hate. We've got a "president" who thinks God tells him to kill people and start wars. While we can certainly ponder which "god" that might be (the one straight down?), the effects of such lunatic "thinking" will be very real and could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, a psychotic delusion that initiating a global apocalypse in the name of "freedom" and "democracy" will also result in the "Rapture" (the Second Coming of Christ). Once half of humanity, or more, is slaughtered, and no "rapture" occurs, what will be said then? Then again, would it matter?

Nothing changes in the stupidity of the human mind or the base lusts of the human heart. Unless God, the real one, intervenes soon, I shudder at the possibility this movie -- and the other two of the unintended trilogy, The Day After & Threads -- could become reality by the end of 2006...considering open war is likely between America & Israel, and, Iran and her allies, within the next few months.

God Help Us All.



By the way, 2006 is OVER, idiot...and we're still alive and kicking!


Dude, do you just wander around the boards, looking for opportunities to voice your hate of Bush? You really are a delusional, disrespectful moonbat, ain't ya? Drop the bong, and step away from the computer.

Hey, are you a member of CodePink or ANSWER? Either way, you obviously suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.


to me, this hits too close to home for two reasons- one, i grew up in southern california, in the early 1960s, when we had nuclear attack drills at schools in addition to earthquake and fire, because we lived in a primary target zone. then, i moved out here to kansas to college...the year after this movie came out, and we're about 40 miles from lawrence, where 'the day after' was shot... i had never seen a coal power plant before, and when i saw the steam, i was so afraid it was a bomb. funny thing is, that movie said KS has silos all over, but i know of only one, and they are supposed to be all empty, aren't they?



"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"


Very well said Manabovetime. I had never seen this movie before but now i'm realizing how close this is to actually happening under this administration. Only the uneducated/ignorant think that this can not happen sometime in the near future, the Very near future.

"Support the troops, impeach Bush"


Yeah, and I was also called an ignorant fool when I doubted that "Planet X" would crash into the earth last year.

The fact is, nobody knows. Not you. Not me. People during the Cold War thought a nuclear attack was certain to happen at any moment. It never did. It could have, but it didn't. Nothing is certain. But if it makes you feel better, continue drinking the kool-aid.



I had never seen this movie before but now i'm realizing how close this is to actually happening under this administration. Only the uneducated/ignorant think that this can not happen sometime in the near future, the Very near future.

I'm neither uneducated, nor ignorant, and I see it as being extremely unlikely any time soon.

Who would attack us? Very few countries have the arsenal to get a nuke into America and, if we haven't used it on anyone yet, we're not going to--at least until a dem gets into office and screws things up. After all, we're at least somewhat friendly with everyone who has the technology to get a warhead here.

We were worse off during Clinton and Bush I than we are now.

The only wildcard is terrorists and whether or not they could get a nuke and sneak it into the US or whether they could build one here (assuming it's not already here). But even a nuclear terrorist attack most likely wouldn't cause WWIII.

Don't worry about it. We're basically safe.


And i'm sure you think that North Korea's Nukes couldn't reach the U.S. I stick with my previous statement. Thank you for your reply, have a good day.


North Korea's missiles *might* be able to hit the west coast.

They can't hit DC. They can't hit NYC. I seriously doubt they'd even be able to hit LA, but every once in a while the blind squirrel finds a nut...

We're not close to this happening, as I've shown.


bear in mind also that the nuke North Korea detonated had a yield of less than a kiloton. So, they have The Bomb, but it's not a very big one. If they hit the US with a kiloton, the US could well retaliate with a megaton.

Hey now, hey now now, sing this corrosion to me


Rather than looking this from a political point of view, it hits much closer to home when you look at the breakdown of the community and family.

Personally, I found this movie extremely moving because it was filmed in my hometown. Almost every scene was filmed in Sierra Madre, CA. It causes a different reaction when you see your grocery store being broken into and your gas station rationing gas. It wasn't just any town that was feeling the effects of nuclear war, but my town and actually my family. My brother was one of the small children (or rather, rats) in the play in the beginning. Because its so personal, it makes the happiness of the children seem more joyous and the sadness of the community seem more unbearable. Everytime I walk by the house, even though its been painted and relandscaped, I'm reminded of the movie. It makes nuclear war seem more possible, as if the movie is showing the future of my own town.
The movie and the threat of a nuclear war become much more personal when you can picture it happening to you and your community.


Why don't you go find some liberal board and post your idiotic rantings there? We're discussing a MOVIE here, not the current political administration.


What a Liberal Retard. Go hug a tree and plant a big fat kiss on Hugo Chavev's forehead!

Remember Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom

