MovieChat Forums > Testament (1984) Discussion > Before I seek this one out...

Before I seek this one out... doesnt have any Christian undertones does it? If so, Im not gonna watch it as I am a devout Atheist. I just want a good film and it looks like that but something in the back of my mind thinks there might be some Christian propaganda in it. I dont know if its the title, the artwork, or what. Can someone please clarify?

Also, does it look very made-for-TVish? I thought it was the moment I clicked on the page for some reason, and then the trivia said that it was supposed to be one. It doesnt have those obvious fade-to-black "here's where the commercial would be" parts, does it?

My Collection:

reply doesnt have any Christian undertones does it? If so, Im not gonna watch it as I am a devout Atheist. I just want a good film and it looks like that but something in the back of my mind thinks there might be some Christian propaganda in it. I dont know if its the title, the artwork, or what. Can someone please clarify?

No. It doesn't have any "Christian undertones". I mean, the movie shows a scene in a church, a priest, and some prayers, but nothing serious. You can relax and watch it. It doesn't matter your religion.

Also, does it look very made-for-TVish? I thought it was the moment I clicked on the page for some reason, and then the trivia said that it was supposed to be one. It doesnt have those obvious fade-to-black "here's where the commercial would be" parts, does it?

No, it doesn't look that way. There are some "fade-to-black" parts, but I don't think that is an important detail. They show that a scene is over and that the movie continues. I don't know what's your problem with that.

Go and watch the movie!


OK. Thanks for letting me know. I put it on my queue

My Collection:


You're gonna need a big box of tissues on hand for this one... trust me.


Have you watched it yet?

I find your form of atheism quite stupid. Are you afraid a Christian thought might jump in your brain and take over your thoughts?

Why would an atheist avoid christian themes or a christian avoid atheistic themes? What does it matter if you actually believe you have the "truth" why would another viewpoint terrify you so? You can't challenge the beliefs of a person who has declared their viewpoint to be the truth. You sound more like a christian-hater than an atheist. I can not imagine operating out of the type of fear that must control your life.

If you investigated further you would find out it was made for PBS. They don't have commercials.

"Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!"


Wow. I knew I couldnt just ask a simple question about a movie without someone making a judgment. I got the answer I needed already. I remember thanking the two posters that provided me with the information I requested and I think I even indicated that I was now going to seek the film out. I quickly read through your post just because I always like to hear someone out just out of respect and saw that nothing you said had anything to do with what question I asked. I read the second line and knew that it would be completely irrelevant and perhaps even reek of some sort of askewed judgment.

You have it backwards: Im an atheist therefore I DONT fear anything. Thats kinda the whole point of being an atheist. Its a good feeling to be free.

My Collection:


Then why do you fear watching a Christian movie?

You're either self-deluded or incapable of understanding my question...what do you fear in not wanting to watch a christian movie? Or a movie that has a christian theme? What would happen to you?

"Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!"


It wouldn’t necessarily be fear. It might simply be a reluctance to devote 90 minutes of one’s life to watching a sermon.

I suspect some Christians might be similarly reluctant to watch a picture with an overtly secular humanist theme, particularly if it were propagandistic in nature. Not out of fear, but just knowing it wouldn’t be to their taste, and therefore not worth forgoing pursuits more to their liking.


Surprisingly I don't find what you said to be true about 99% of the Christians that I know. Christians may avoid some movies because of the immorality but not because they necessarily FEAR the influence of hearing another viewpoint.

My point is this: Atheists make claims to be "open minded" and NOT judgemental. And yet they cut themselves off from anything that (in their minds) smacks of "religion" or God.

Christians are always being pointed at and told how "hypocritical and judgemental" they are--when the opposite is what I observe ALL the time IRL.

Get a clue: if you "know" beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you believe is the truth then you can not say with any intellectual honesty that you avoid Christian themed movies simply because you don't like the "preachiness". That's baloney. If anything, you should be naturally curious why so many people believe in God and you don't. The differences of your faith of atheism and my faith of Christianity should interest you not drive you away. This is where atheism's claim to "open-mindedness" fall flat. I find it astoundingly interesting that so many in the world are blind to a truth that I see is obvious: God does exist and he is our Creator and Savior. I often seek out movies with anti-christian themes just for the sole purpose of trying to understand a different point of view--that is truly open-minded.

Slaves who love their chains will never be set free.


I'm a Christian and I very rarely watch Christian films because I don't like them. They're too slurpy and sugary, life isn't like that. One movie I did like, however, was "The Hiding Place" made about 32 years ago, about a Christian family in Holland who hid Jews during World War II. It was a true story.



Careful, you may hear and actor mention "God." Get the earmuffs ready.



Im not completely allergic to hearing "God" in a film, I just dont want a preachy film. Im assuming that for the most part you were kidding though. I still havent seen this btw, but hopefully soon enough and if I feel strongly enough about it one way or the other, Ill post back herre

My Collection:


Dude, don't watch it. It's a bad movie. There's nothing good about it. I've gotten a lot of flak for saying this on another thread, but I've never watched a movie that I feel this strongly against. My wife hated it too. And, yes, it looks like a TV movie. It was originally a TV movie, but the producers thought it had potential to hit theaters, so they found a distributor and this depressing POS was released to the world. It’s bad because there’s nothing good that happens to the characters. We already know what happens from radiation poisoning/fallout. We don’t need to see a slow moving, depressing, and virtually pointless movie about it. The overall message of the movie (that every sane person already knows) is that nuclear bombs are bad.

I don't care if I get burned about this post. I really, really hated this movie.

When you’re in a bad mood, just think about a monkey.



Why are you attacking this person for something that they NEVER said! Steinbeck11 NEVER said anything about Bush, homosexuals or anything else you mentioned. I’ve noticed that you jump on anyone that says anything slightly Christian and then try to accuse them of things they may or may not believe in.

You should leave people alone that are trying to have an interesting conversation. What I notice about this topic is that one person wants to avoid the movie because they are an atheist. The other asks why. And then you jumped in with your extreme, and very judgmental, views and attack Steinbeck11 of being a Christian (which, for the record, Steinbeck11 has not confirmed).

Dude, lay off of people that have different views from your own! Stay out of conversations unless you have something worthwhile to contribute.

When you’re in a bad mood, just think about a monkey. Unless you're millsBestLoverboy.



I can understand asking if the movie was preachy or whatever, but do you think you're cool? we didn't need to know that you are an atheist. Is this move good? by the way im a satanist,


What makes you think that I think that Im cool? Are you cool because youre a satanist? You announced that about yourself. Whats the goddamn difference

My Collection:


Dude, Lukas Haas pooped in the water.

Death to the non rag head infidels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was trying to be funny while proving the point, that we didn't need to know that you were atheist, and im not a satanist, my religous beliefs i keep to myself when im on a movie message board




I don't think it was stupid at all. Some religious films can be a bit to preaching. Thaat can ruin the enjoyment for some non-christians. It's not a fear.
Some Christian ideas go against other religious morals for some folks.


Any movie that has good qualities such as love, kindness and other qualities portrayed in it has Christian overtones. The married couple in this movie were trying to have a good marriage and properly raise their children and that is what Christians do.
You are a devout atheist? If you show any of the above mentioned qualities, then you are behaving as a Christian.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
