Danny, and a few other head scratchers.
1. For those of you asking yourself, 'Who's Danny?', after the bomb goes off in San Francisco, some woman is walking the neighborhood streets asking everyone if they'd seen her kid. Are we supposed to believe that he was vaporized? We never hear from or see that woman again.
2. Why was there not any more warning of the impending bombs than there was? The newscaster/EBS appeared only a mere seconds before the bombs went off. Even in 1983, if a sortie was launched at the US from soviet subs, there still would've been a few minutes warning time. About 5-10, depending on the targets location from the coast. The second NORAD detected a launch, they would've started up the EBS, and launched their missles in a retallitory strike.
3. Right before the bomb goes off, while Carol is listening to her awnsering machine, her mom left her a message. At the end, she announces "It's snowing in Chicago!". Anyone else take this as forshadowing? The snow she was witnessing was actually fallout from another city?
4. Everyone knows that the first step in a nuclear attack would be to detonate several devices well above the targets atmosphere, to disable electronics and communications. This doesn't happen. The attack comes from out of nowhere.
5. I know the radio guy mentioned a few theories about how everything started. Is it ever actually revealed how the attack occured, and who did it?