Song Question

Does anyone know the name of the song that Cynthia Rhodes sings at the club with Frank Stallone? The lyrics go "Waking up with my eyes open wide". It's not on the soundtrack. Thanks.

The better you look, the more you see. --Victor Ward


It's called 'Waking up'
Written by Frank Stallone, Vince DiCola & Arthur Colatrella

Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory ! Mr Lee


Thanks for your reply!

The better you look, the more you see. --Victor Ward


How about the song they play in the last part of the movie where Laura and Tony dances together in that kind of a light at Satans Alley, it's the 2nd part nobody sings in that song, do you know the name, but it's great?!


It's actually called "Waking Up." Don't know where you can get it, however.


A little off topic, but still song related..

Darn, I saw this film over the weekend at my pops' place.. It was quite entertaining.. I think I fell in love with Finola Hughes' character (the English woman; Laura).. She's not overly pretty, but her attitude and her accent were just too sexy.. I loved that song, "Moody Girl".. It fit her so perfectly.. When she's making her way through the crowd at the party and Travolta spots her from across the room; all is quiet and the audience only hears that song, it's poetry and film-making at it's best.. Her character turned me on BIG TIME!! Anywho, I do appreciate kindness in people, but there's something about a spunky and stubborn woman that turns me on.. Maybe it's the challenge..

I've been searching for the sheet music for this movie.. I went to Sam Ash, but they didn't have it.. I don't want to order it on the internet, because I don't internet shop.. I guess I'll have to keep searching for the music.. I would like to play "Moody Girl" and "Never Gonna Give You Up" (the love theme) on my piano/keyboard.. I haven't heard the complete soundtrack, but from watching the film, it seems under-rated.. People always talk about the greatness of the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack, but hardly ever mention this one..
